Father Ted
Dermot Morgan stars as Father Ted in this sensational British sitcom. Follow the misadventures of three irreverent priests, exiled for various past incidents, as they attempt to resolve parish issues.
Are You Right There Father Ted?
Ted finally escapes to a parochial house in Castlelawn, Dublin with civilized company and frequent jaunts to Paris. Unfortunately, a misunderstanding over expenses sends Ted back to Craggy Island.
Chirpy Burpy Cheap Sheep
Father Ted is ensnared in a web of intrigue and double-crosses when he bets the parochial house heating budget on Chris, the burping sheep.
Speed 3
Ted and Dougal must become sleuths in order to uncover the philanderer who's behind the bumper crop of hairy babies recently born on Craggy Island.
The Mainland
A perfectly routine trip to the mainland results in Dougal almost dying from malnutrition, Mrs. Doyle being chucked in the clink and Father Jack joining Alcoholics Anonymous.
Escape from Victory
On a bet with Dick Byrne, the priests enter a soccer challenge. Disaster looms when Father Ted's star player is knocked out by a bottle of "Dreamy Sleepy Nighty Snoozy Snooze.
Kicking Bishop Up the Arse
Upon losing his bet with Dick Byrne, Father Ted must work up the courage to complete his forfeit. Ted is going to have to kick Bishop Brennan up the arse.
Night of the Nearly Dead
Jumper-wearing pop sensation Eoin McLove visits the parochial house. That means hundreds of infatuated middle-aged ladies have the priests surrounded. Will Ted and company survive?
Going to America
Ted performs a genuinely unselfish act and is rewarded with the offer of a parish in California. However, parting from his long-time companions at the parochial house proves difficult for him.