Hollywood Weapons
Prepare To Be Blown Away! What is scientific fact — and what is Hollywood fantasy? Some of the most thrilling weapon action sequences from movies and TV are put to the test on Hollywood Weapons,
Terry's Criminal Minds
A murderer tries to kill his final victim as the car they are in slowly sinks to the bottom of a lake.
Shark Go Boom
In this iconic scene, Chief Brody hangs on to his sinking boat as a giant shark approaches him with a scuba tank lodged in its mouth.
The Good, The Bad and Terry
In this classic western, Clint Eastwood – aka “Blondie” – saves Eli Wallach from the hangman’s noose.
Dying Hard
John McLain (Bruce Willis) finds himself dangling from the side of a building.
John Rambo’s ability to decimate enemies all by himself has created some of the most incredible weapon stunts in Hollywood history.
Terry and The Minigun
Can you really fire a GE Minigun handheld with ammunition held in a backpack (also seen on Captain America: Winter Soldier).
Using a unique method to crack a safe, Nick Wells (Robert De Niro) uses a blowtorch to cut through a safe, fill it with water.
Terry vs. Gorn
Captain James T Kirk’s battle with the Gorn alien is one of the most popular episodes from the original series.