Hollywood Weapons
Prepare To Be Blown Away! What is scientific fact — and what is Hollywood fantasy? Some of the most thrilling weapon action sequences from movies and TV are put to the test on Hollywood Weapons,
The Last Crusade of Indiana Terry
Terry channels his inner Dr. Jones and tests 1 scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade containing 3 different tests.
Equalizing Terry
Terry and Larry will test 3 scenes from Denzel Washington’s Equalizer films. Can Terry be as cool as Denzel?
Silencing Terry
Terry wants to demonstrate how Hollywood has used different objects to silence a gunshot.
Meet the Smiths
Terry finally gets to compare himself to Brad Pitt!! Terry and Larry test 3 scenes from action film Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Nightmare on Hollywood Weapons
Terry and Larry get to test several scenes from Horror films!
All for One!
Terry travels back in time to see if he can make it as a Three Musketeer! Can he throw his sword and kill the enemy?
Terry takes himself out of “retirement” to test some scenes from RED that will be extremely dangerous.
What can Terry do with just a paperclip? Probably nothing, but Larry and Terry will test several scenes from MacGyver.