The Fugitive
Dr. Richard Kimble blev anklaget og dømt til døden for mordet på sin kone, men flygter fra varetægtsfængslet efter en togulykke og bliver en flygtning.
Wings Of An Angel
Richard Kimble finds himself a patient in a prison hospital. However, he is there as a hero, not as a prison inmate.
Crack In A Crystal Ball
A seedy professional mind reader recognizes Richard Kimble and believes he's found the means to a comeback in a show business.
Trial By Fire
A new witness, one who saw the one-armed man, comes forward on behalf of Dr. Richard Kimble.
Conspiracy Of Silence
Innocent acceptance of an apparently menial job as a porter at a swank country club, involves Dr. Richard Kimble in a top secret government experiment.
An Apple A Day
Kimble falls and lands in the home of a Naturopath and finds himself fighting against bad medical practice and romantic advances from his host's wife.
Landscape With Running Figures, Part 1
Kimble makes a careless error disclosing his whereabouts and Lt. Gerard, hastily returning from a vacation with his wife, closes in.
Stranger In The Mirror
Kimble accepts a job as a custodian at a private boy's club and finds his boss is an ex-cop.
The Good Guys And The Bad Guys
Kimble is arrested for not wearing western attire during "Pioneer Days" in a small town, then while in jail, his nemesis, Lt. Gerard is brought in for the same offense.
The End Of The Line
Kimble hitches a ride on a truck, and when he wakes up, he finds himself about to drive into a state penitentiary.
When The Wind Blows
Kimble, pursued by the local police, takes refuge with a widow and her young son and makes an enemy of her suitor.
Not With A Whimper
Kimble calls on Dr. McAllister, a former mentor, and finds the old gentleman in the hospital both physically and mentally ill.
Wife Killer
The one-armed man caught in a police dragnet brings Kimble and Gerard face-to-face.
This'll Kill You
Mickey Rooney guests as former comic, turned bookmaker, whose troubles involved Richard Kimble.
Stroke Of Genius
Kimble hitches a ride with a local clergyman then suddenly, the cleric is killed by a sniper's bullet.
Running Scared
Kimble returns home and visits his sister Donna right under the nose of Gerard.
Ill Wind
John McIntire guest stars as a migrant farm worker with whom Richard Kimble is working when he is tracked down and captured by Lt. Gerard.
With Strings Attached
Richard Kimble becomes chauffeur in the strange household of a teenage violin virtuoso.
The White Knight
Richard Kimble stumbles into the intrigues of a politically ambitious man when he rescues a leading citizen and his woman companion from a plane crash.
The 2130
Neuropsychiatrist Mark Ryder employs a computer and Lt. Gerard's help to plan Richard Kimble's capture.
A Taste Of Tomorrow
Richard Kimble finds an escaped prisoner who is dangerously ill claiming to be innocent and determined to gun down the man he blames for framing him.
In A Plain Paper Wrapper
Richard Kimble dates a waitress whose nephew's buddies plan to capture him with a mail-order rifle.
Richard Kimble knows negligence caused the death of a salvage diver and he jeopardizes his own life when he befriends the girl accused of being a jinx.