Få med deg denne komedieserie som handler om den allsidige gjengen i et taxiselskap i New York. Samtidig som de prøver å håndtere en tyranniske drosjesjefen og bygger de vennskap mens de kjemper for å lykkes i karrierer, i kjærligheten og i livet.
Like Father, Like Daughter
The cabbies embark on a frantic race against time when they team up in a wild nonstop drive from New York to Miami so that Alex can see his long-lost daughter on her twenty-minute layover at the airport in the premiere episode of Taxi.
Blind Date
Alex’s romantic instincts are triggered by the sexy voice at the answering service. Her alluring manner prompts him to arrange a dinner date that turns into a big surprise on Taxi.
The Great Line
A pretty girl has John in a whirl, and his determination to meet her prompts the taxi gang to come up with a surefire line that would unfreeze any woman on earth in Taxi.
Come As You Aren't
Elaine fears the worst when the cabbies invite themselves to her party for her highbrow art world friends who have no clue that she moonlights as a cab driver.
Bobby's Acting Career
The high-spirited taxi gang helps a jittery Bobby fight potential disappointment when he decides that he will end his stage career if he doesn’t get an acting job before midnight.
Paper Marriage
Mechanic Latka Gravas faces deportation unless he marries a U.S. citizen. The taxi gang comes to his rescue by pitching in and hiring a local working girl to be his bride.
Money Troubles
John and his new wife, Suzanne, reach a crisis point in their marriage when one of them must drop out of college due to financial woes.
A Full House For Christmas
A Christmas party at the garage is interrupted when Louie, the dispatcher teams up with Alex in a game of high-stakes poker against his cardshark brother Nick.
Men Are Such Beasts
The taxi gang scrambles to come up with a scheme aimed at ending a one-sided romance when a determined, pretty cabbie sets her cap for Tony and joins the Sunshine Cab Co. to be near him.
Elaine And The Lame Duck
Alex feels sympathy for a fare who’s a real loser with the women and arranges a date for the man with Elaine, who later discovers that her klutzy companion for the evening is a U.S. Congressman.
Bobby's Big Break
Bobby’s career dreams come true when he lands a role in a soap opera, prompting him to throw his torn-up cabbie’s license at Louie, but the dispatcher vows to take revenge if Bobby ever comes crawling back.
Louie Sees The Light
After an operation, Louie, the sharp-tongued dispatcher, panics when he has to keep a promise that he made to God during surgery to turn over a new leaf.
Mama Gravas
Mechanic Latka Gravas’ youthful and attractive mother makes her first visit to America, and after she and Alex meet and have an evening love affair, Latka assumes that he will soon be getting a new daddy.
Alex Tastes Death & Finds A Nice Restaurant
When Alex’s ear is nearly shot off in a holdup attempt in his cab, he stuns his fellow cabbies by quitting and exchanging his driving clothes for a waiter’s tuxedo at a snobbish French restaurant.
Hollywood Calling
The cabbies fall victim to a Hollywood-style roller coaster ride when a production company visits to do a film on taxi drivers. Life at the Sunshine Cab Company turns into a continual champagne and buffet festivity.
Memories Of Cab 804, Part 1
When John crashes Cab 804, the cabbies are shocked into a period of mourning, as they reminisce about the wild and memorable events that occurred when they were driving the legendary cab.
Memories Of Cab 804, Part 2
Mechanic Latka Gravas frantically works to save the cracked-up Cab 804 as the cabbies fondly recall times in the legendary auto when Alex delivered a baby, Louie beat a rich brat out of a wad of money, and Elaine met the perfect man.