Aerial anguish, baseball biffs, crazy cats, ditzy drivers and much, much more. The best themed internet fails, all in one place.
Some people (and animals) will do anything for 15 minutes of fame.
All in the Family
You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family. Check out these fails that span all generations of the family tree.
Most Valuable Phail
The real MVPs are the ones that caught these sports fails on camera.
Ya Filthy Animals
I'm going to give you to the count of 10 to sit your ugly, yella, no-good keister down and watch these animal clips.
That's What Friends Aren't For
It's probably time for some new friends.
Snow Way... Jose
These people give the cold shoulder to logic and gravity.
Breaking Point
People go for broke and everything gets wrecked.
Fluff and Stuff
There's no such thing as too cute to fail.
Outdoor Education
It's an unforgiving world out there. Let's stay inside and watch other people fail.
Back to School
There are some lessons to be learned here.
Retirement Plan
This is what you call failing upwards.
Fall Fashion
You know what they say: beauty is pain.
Upward Dog, Downward Spiral
You're gunna need more than a yoga mat to cvehion these falls.