Tareq Taylor's Nordic Cookery
Tareq Taylor reser genom skandinaviska länder för att introducera deras matkultur. På sin resa hittar han många traditionella rätter och bryr sig inte bara om tillagningen utan också om bakgrunden.
Värmland is home to many of Sweden’s most famous authors and inventors. However, it is also a place with a rich food culture. Tareq gets his hands on a very rare bird to cook and also takes time out to float down a tranquil river on a wooden raft.
Tareq visits Fyn, the fairy tale capital of the world. Famous as the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen, Fyn is also known as the garden of Denmark. Here we explore stunning nature and world class cuisine.
Höga Kusten
Created thousands of years ago, the High Coast in the northern part of Sweden is the highest coast in the world. Tareq sets out to sample one of the most extreme types of Swedish food, fermented herring.
North Denmark
North Jutland has a rich culinary history. The unique conditions have created equally unique products. Tareq meets local food entrepreneurs who have learned to adapt to this ever changing environment and putting this region on the culinary map.
Uppsala is the city of knowledge: home to the oldest university in Scandinavia. It’s a wonderful agricultural area surrounded by fertile flatlands. Tareq discovers the historical treasures of Uppsala and its thriving culinary life.
North Sealand
North Zealand has been a playground of the rich and famous since the fifteenth century. Tareq learns how this beautiful north eastern part of Denmark is the perfect place to go foraging for wild berries and herbs.
Sweden’s largest ski resort Åre is well known for its local ingredients, boasting the highest number of organic food producers per capita in Sweden. The fresh water and clean air create unique conditions for growing excellent food.
The Danish Lakelands
The Danish Lakelands produce some of the finest ingredients that you can find. Tareq has a go at an old cooking technique from New Zealand called Hangi - using heated rocks buried in a pit oven.
West Sweden
Gothenburg on the west coast of Sweden has recently been discovered as an exciting destination by both international travel journalists and food bloggers. Tareq tracks down an old army barracks which has been converted into a world class cheese factory.
Tareq visits Luleå, home to the beautiful Tree Hotel: a collection of treehouses built by an award winning architect. Following the river further up into the mountains he reaches the land where, for centuries, the Sami people kept their reindeer herds.
In Halmstad Tareq explores the contrast between the busy summer scene at the beach and the quiet rural country life, meeting Jörgen Persson: award winning table tennis player and visiting a village famous for its cheese.
Kemi is situated in northern Finland by the Bothnian Bay and it is part of Lapland region. Tareq tries his luck at a spot of burbot fishing on the frozen sea and visits the snow castle hotel.