MADE följer tonåringar och unga människor som vill göra sina drömmar till verklighet. Följ hur de förvandlas till boxare, skönhetsdrottningar, rockstjärnor och mycket mer - med hårt arbete (och lite hjälp från MTV) är alla mål möjliga!
Mixed Martial Artists
Sabrina and Jenna are best friends and the biggest girly girls in their school. They want to shed their spoiled images and be MADE into tough, disciplined Mixed Martial Artists.
Cheerleading princess Erin wants to get tough by becoming a burley boxer. Can boxing trainer Kenny Porter get Erin ready to fight in the showcase of the stars in just 5 weeks?
Obsessively organized Jessica wants to show that she can let loose by being MADE into a rockstar.
Punk Rocker
Straight-A goody goody, Gracie Moreau wants to get noticed by being MADE into a Punk Rocker.
Ladies Man
A dorky, desperate, hygienically challenged senior wants to land his very first date and kiss by being MADE into an irresistible chick magnet. The catch? He has to get a girl to ask HIM out to the school dance.
Prom Queen - Kristy
Kristy McCallan wants to break out of her shy shell and dazzle her doubters by being MADE into a cool and confident Prom Queen.
Kaitlin Smith wants to shed her girly girl reputation and find her inner strength by being MADE into a rough and tough motocross racer!