Utan mat, vatten eller skydd måste Survivormans Les Stroud förlita sig på sin mångåriga träning, instinkter och starka vilja för att överleva ensam i sju dagar i världens hårdaste miljöer med lite mer än en schweizisk armékniv.
Georgian Swamp
The swamplands of Georgia's Altamaha River Basin are all that one would expect of a primordial bog; dank, menacing, swimming with slithering creepy crawlies and of course, alligator infested.
Costa Rica
Marooned on Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula, Les "Survivorman" Stroud has only a few items to aid him for the next 7 days: swimming goggles, 3 ballpoint pens, a multi-tool and the clothing on his back.
Arizona Desert
Riding a dirt bike out into the official middle of nowhere, Les simulates a break-down scenario. Half a gallon of water, a snack bar and his multi-tool are all he has with him for the next 7 days.
Canadian Boreal Forest
The Boreal Forest is home to 85 species of mammals including; moose, deer, bear and wolves. Crisscrossed by rivers and lakes, the Boreal forest is frost-free for only about three months of the year.
Canadian Arctic
Les has been equipped with a bare minimum of raw materials to aid him for the next 7 days; a hunk of uncooked seal liver, some oil-rich blubber for heat, a seal hook, three matches, and a knife.
Canadian Rockies
Les is air dropped onto a snow covered peak in the Canadian Rockies. He has with him only a few readily salvageable items, among them a broken camcorder and tripod.
Utah Canyonlands
Stroud will cannibalize the mountain-bike he has ridden into the middle of nowhere. He also has a multi-tool, a magnesium flint stick and an old energy bar that he uses for a purpose other than eating
Plane Crash
For a week, Les will have to survive in the brutally cold and snowy wilderness with only an axe, multi-tool and a single blanket to aid him.
Lost at Sea
Les will be set adrift in an inflatable life raft off the coast of Belize. Not only does the life raft have a few bad water leaks, but it also leaks air, requiring Les to frequently re-inflate it.
Behind The Scenes
We go behind the scenes where Les shows us how he films such incredible footage for the nine episodes of Season One, while surviving in some of the harshest climates in the world.
The Lost Pilot Summer
This one-hour special chronicles Les's first time surviving for the cameras in August of 2001. With just two cameras, a few items and his wits, Les survives in the Canadian wild.
The Lost Pilot Winter
Les Stroud's first time surviving for the cameras in the dead of winter. Les ventures to remote Northern Ontario to endure temperatures of -40 degrees F for a week alone.