The Ghost Inside My Child
Ghost Inside My Child explores cases of children who claim to be reincarnations of people who died violently.
The Ghost Inside My Child
What if your child...remembered a past life? This special explores many parents' most closely guarded secret: their child is a reincarnation of someone who died.
A Soldier and A Screenwriter
Night after night, two year-old Eric would wake up screaming from a horrific dream about being crushed to death.
Disaster Deaths
From a young age Jamey had a crippling fear of water and would have intense night terrors about drowning. He became eerily obsessed with the Titanic.
Orphan Trains and Hotel Flames
Erika and Nick were so excited when their son Luke was born.
Plane Crash and Sacred Ash
What would you do if your daughter remembered being inside the Empire State Building when a plane crashed into it?
Silent Film Star and The Man Who Fell Far
Amy is a young woman who has vivid memories of the silent film era and is obsessed with tragic deaths of movie stars.
The Wild West and Tribal Quest
At only 5 years of age, Olivia graphically describes her pioneer family living with Native Americans and ultimately being murdered.
Rockefeller Charms and Brothers in Arms
This episode tells the story of two families in crisis whose children cannot let go of past lives they remember living.
Ancient Flood and Confederate Blood
As a toddler, Nick had horrible night terrors and dreamt of being a Civil War soldier. Will he now be able to handle a visit back to the battleground?
Wounded in Battle and Lightning Storm Rattle
When six-year-old Rylann spoke of bizarre details of dying in a lightning storm and a plane crash, her mother wasn't sure what to do.
Family Drama and Military Trauma
When young Noah starts talking and acting like his uncle, his family is shocked--particularly since his uncle died five years before Noah was even born.
Unfinished Note and Attack on a Boat
At two years-old, Shane became obsessed with guns and talked about being in the military.
The Perfect Aim & Killed By The Flame
As a young girl Kimberly constantly played with her sister Sarah whom no one else could see. Her mother became concerned when Kimberly said that sister pushed her into a fire.
Killed By A Bomb and Bonfire Gone Wrong
Four year-old Andrew talked to people no one else could see, and told his mother he was killed by a bomb.
Child of F. Scott and a Toddler Distraught
Anissa's mom thought it was cute when her daughter told her stories about living in a place called New York.
Drowned at Sea and First Degree
From the time he was little, Seumas had an obsession with large ships, and extreme anxiety about his own death.
Death On The Farm and Parents Who Harm
Aiden's mother becomes concerned when he tells her about a sister he doesn't have and a house he has never lived in.
Twin Tragedy and Family Agony
As a young boy Brayden begins telling his family details of his Great Uncle's Murder.