Flavor of Love
The fact of the matter is, Flavor Flav's "romantical" experiment, didn't quite work. Hoopz (the finalist) doesn't have time for her man Flavor Flav. Flavor, undaunted by this failure, is going to try again, but this time he's doing it right.
Fifteen Beds and a Bucket of Puke
Flavor Flav welcomes 20 women to his macadocious mansion with the hope of finding the next great love of his life.
Rub a Dub Flav
Flavor Flav challenges his remaining fifteen Flavorettes to a never before attempted hot tub speed dating competition.
A Friend of Flav's is a Friend of Mine
Ten girls are left and the competition is getting stiff. Flav divides the girls into groups of five and presents them with two challenges.
The Flavor of Chicken
Flavor Flav has a special surprise for his eight remaining ladies. His moms, Anna Drayton has come to visit.
What Happens in Flavor Stays in Flavor
Flavor Flav is a good luck person. So he needs a good luck woman. To test the girls on this trait, he flies the seven remaining women to Vegas on his private jet.
There's six girls left so Flav brings out the big guns. He flies Brigitte Neilsen into town to get to know the girls a little better.
Flav's Trippin
Flav takes two of the young ladies to Palm Springs for a spa retreat where things get muddy, wet and crazy.
Family Flavors
Three girls are left! Things are getting serious so Flav decides it's time to meet the ladies' parents.
The Slaps, Smacks, Screams and Spit You Never Saw
A lot of crazy stuff has happened in Flav's house since the girls arrived.
Viva La Flav
The final two girls remain. To celebrate having made it this far, Flav takes the two girls to Puerto Vallarta for an exotic three day Mexican getaway.
After the Lovin (Finale)
Flavor Flav and all 20 of the original Flavorettes are back for a reunion show like you've never seen before.