Wipeout Canada
Each week on Wipeout Canada, 20 daring and energetic contestants of all ages, shapes and sizes go head-to-head through four rounds of demanding but painfully hilarious obstacle courses.
Wipeout Canada
Beams and Jets, Donut Swing, Big Balls, a Potato Sack, and Barrel Crossing are just some of the over-the-top obstacles included in this week's episode.
Wipeout Canada
20 ordinary Canadians will compete in the world's largest most extreme obstacle course designed to provide the most spills, thrills and fantastic fumbles ever seen on television.
Wipeout Canada
Log Roll, Wall Swing, The Ring, Tippy Tables, and Cylinder Run are among the over-the-top obstacles in this week's episode.
Wipeout Canada
Donut run, ball swing. Sweeper: Dangly balls. Dizzy Dummy: barrel crossing and log roll.
Wipeout Canada
Slippery Stairs, Block Swing, The Crusher, Log Roll, and Barrel Crossing are some of the over-the-top obstacles in this week's episode.
Wipeout Canada
20 crazy contestants will face the Donut Run, Donut swing, The Tails and Tippy Tables in this week's episode.
Wipeout Canada
Topple towers, Cookie Cutter, The Tails, Teeter Totters and Crazy Beams are among the over-the-top obstacles on this week's episode.
Wipeout Canada
Buoys, Field Goal Swing, Big Donuts and Tippy Tables are some of the over-the-top obstacles in this week's episode.
Wipeout Canada
The Towers and Donuts, The Pole Vault, Dogeball, The Barrel Crossing and Double Beams are some of the over-the-top obstacles in this week's episode.
Wipeout Canada
Beam and Jets, Field Goal Swing, The Toothbrush Bristles, Tippy Tables and Dock Maze are among some of the over-the-top obstacles in this week's episode.
Wipeout Canada
Dirty Balls, The Wall Swing, The Crusher, Crazy Beams and Big Donuts are among some of the over-the-top obstacles included in this week's episode.
Wipeout Canada
Dirty Balls, The Wall Swing, The Crusher, Crazy Beams and Big Donuts are some of the over-the-top obstacles in this week's episode.
Wipeout Canada
Dirty Balls, The Donut Swing, The Toothbrush Bristles, Tippy Tables and Dock Maze are among some of the over-the-top obstacles included in this week's episode.
Wipeout Canada
Wipeout Canada brings you a countdown of the season's most memorable moments with never-before-seen footage, extended scenes and live interviews with some of the most popular contestants.