Still Standing
Still Standing follows Canadian comedian Jonny Harris as he sets off across the country once more, veering off the main highway to discover the hidden comedy in Canada's far-flung small towns.
Bamfield, B.C. is a tiny Pacific coastal town. Jonny fires a canon, goes on marine safari and sees a tsunami drill
Coleman, Alberta, embraces the disasters of their past. Jonny learns the perils of explosives, mining, and bear patrol.
Souris, P.E.I. a salt-of-the-earth town that holds onto the traditional ways, be it fishing, Celtic music, or Moonshining.
Willow Bunch
Willow Bunch, SK, is a quirky, magical place with a real-life giant wizard living in the school and local labyrinth.
Berwick, N.S. is home to some eccentric innovators: an Alpaca Farmer, an Andalusian Horse Trainer, and the Gun Doggers.
Oil Springs
Oil Springs, ON is an unknown town with small-town oil tycoons, a Jamaican hairdresser and a family who mushes Huskies.
Still Standing
Lytton, B.C is off the beaten track. Jonny discovers high stakes adventure white water rafting and dirt bike riding
Manitou Manitoba has talent! Like a saw playing yodeling Cowboy, preteen archery champion, and a famous opera house.
Wawa, Ontario, is the quintessential Canadian town. Home to a fur-trapper, a lake inspired artist, and a newshound.
Teeswater, Ontario, is home to the singing swamp stompers, dancing tractors, and a comedic barber with a pet mongoose.
Rowley, Alberta offers a wild series of manly challenges, including Bull semen extraction and Red Neck racing.
Buxton, On, was the final stop on the underground railroad and offered a new life of equality for former slaves
Fogo Island
Fogo Island, NFLD, where fish is king and the simple but challenging life is as it has been for hundreds of years.