Still Standing
Still Standing follows Canadian comedian Jonny Harris as he sets off across the country once more, veering off the main highway to discover the hidden comedy in Canada's far-flung small towns.
Skidegate, BC is a small town filled with Haida warriors that traded lucrative work in logging for a rich environmental future for their children. They continue to fight for the land that they love and they wouldn’t have it any other way!
Vanastra ON was once a military base whose soldiers were sworn to secrecy while they worked on the RADAR technology that would end World War II. Today the same buildings that were built to withstand bombs are crumbling to the ground.
Georgetown, PEI works hard to keep their small township shape despite their financial state. The town is hoping for cruise ships to end up in their harbour one day and when they do Georgetown will be ready!
Fort Colounge
Fort Coulonge QC was once a booming logging town that shipped their famous white pine to build big cities like Chicago and New York. Today they are a struggling small town on the ropes. But there is hope!
Telkwa, BC was hit hard by the mountain pine beetle. This little bug decimated big forests leaving the town on the ropes. But this hearty community will continue to band together, get ‘er done and laugh in the face of adversity.
Eganville ON has seen better times. Despite sitting on the main highway their storefronts are empty because cars just don’t stop. This town continues to try and figure out how to get the people out of the cars.
McAdam NB’s heyday was during the wartime period when its glorious railway station and hotel were the talk of the eastern seaboard. Today this town struggles to get by but they are looking to the historic glory of the railway to get back on track.
Inuvik, NWT is a fabricated town built in the 1950s to act as a hub of the Canadian northwest. It’s an oil town that has felt both boom and bust.
Omemee, ON, home of the legendary Neil Young, has seen better times. Today main street businesses are boarded up and the residents shop out of town.
Stanstead QC shares the Canada/US border with Derby Line, Vermont. Before 9/11 this area felt like one big community. Today families and business are ripped apart by border control but the residents remain strong and have hope for the future.
Still Standing
Once known as the location of a famous indigenous battle and ceremonial burial ground, Pilot Mound, MB now struggles. But there is light on the horizon. This community, known unofficially as “Hockey Town in Manitoba” is hoping that it’s new sports.
Still Standing
Like most of Cape Breton, Mabou NS never fully bounced back from hard times. Companies and canneries have closed, hope was crushed and the young have left town. For this town to get back on its feet the community must band together.
Maple Creek
Maple Creek, SK was once known as the Cattle capital of Canada. Now this town struggles to get by due to the BSE (Mad Cow) crisis of 2003, followed by a flood in 2010, leaving it with empty businesses, damaged buildings, and fragmented hearts.