Wild at Heart
This powerful British drama follows veterinarian Danny Trevanion and his family as they attempt to rehabilitate Leopard’s Den, a decaying South African game reserve.
Episode 1
New lodges nearly break the family, but they learn that it's the animals that make Leopard's Den successful.
Episode 2
Danny needs an assistant but fails to see that she's right under his nose. Meanwhile, Sarah realizes just how much she needs her mum.
Episode 3
Leopard's Den expands and Du Plessis becomes a grandfather after a close call with an angry elephant.
Episode 4
Danny and Sarah let their pasts catch up with them. Meanwhile, Caroline and Du Plessis go shopping for lion prey.
Episode 5
A white lion brings mixed fortunes to the family and Rosie is asked the big question.
Episode 6
Caroline's sister Judith tries to help and the drought forces Danny to sell some of his animals. Will Rosie and Max get married?
Episode 7
When the drought finally ignites a fire, the wedding turns into a firefight for everyone.
Episode 8
When tragedy strikes, the Trevanions must decide what future lies ahead of them in these difficult times.