Amazing Wedding Cakes
Amazing Wedding Cakes chronicles the high stakes of the world's most extraordinary bakeries.
Amazing Wedding Cakes
The Cake Divas of LA try to create a cake resembling a California icon - the convertible car. The Cake Girls of Chicago encounter a hands-on groom. Cake Atelier in New York must deal with untrained interns.
Amazing Wedding Cakes
Getting the cake to the reception on time is the challenge of this week's episode. The Cake Divas wrestle with a supersized cake; Cake Girls must deliver a guitar cake; a cab ride is trouble for the Cake Atelier.
Amazing Wedding Cakes
A spur-of-the-moment cake for 100 people pushes the Cake Divas to the edge. The Cake Girls face a looming deadline. The Cake Atelier struggles with the concept of less is more.
Amazing Wedding Cakes
At the Cake Atelier in New York City, things are moving away from the traditional and over to the Goth with a skull wedding cake. Will Ruth let Lauri have her way or is a battle of the wills just starting?
Amazing Wedding Cakes
At the Cake Girls, Mary and Brenda team up to create one man's homage to the Chicago Cubs. But will it be smooth sailing with these two sisters? The Cake Atelier has to create 150 individual wedding cakes!
Amazing Wedding Cakes
Can the Cake Divas make a pink wedding cake manly enough for the groom? Joan gets all the Divas involved with this one. At the Cake Atelier, the battle between perfection and practicality rages on between Lauri and Ruth.