This documentary series chronicles the countdown to the greatest achievement in human history, the Host Steve Spangler, Ellen Show regular, shows viewers how to conduct amazing science experiments in their own homes!
Birthday Science
Steve Spangler is throwing a "science party" for his pal Higginsworth and you're invited. Find out how to create an invisible party invitation, your own science snacks like gummy worms and a volcano cake, and the messiest confetti poppers you'll ever see.
Candy Science
Steve Spangler dishes up some sweet science with do-it-yourself experiments all using candy. You'll discover the secret hidden on every M&M plus a new way to harness the explosive power of Mentos and diet soda.
Franklin Institute 1
At Philadelphia's historic science museum – the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Steve Spangler and Higginsworth race through a giant heart as big as a room to trace the path of a red blood cell.
Kitchen Science
You can turn your kitchen into your very own science lab. Steve Spangler cooks up experiments you can create in your kitchen – like movie stunt glass you can make from sugar, and flowers that turn crazy colors from ingredients in your cupboard.
Cold Science
Steve Spangler shows you projects you can create with freezing cold temperatures – like quick-freezing do-it-yourself popsicles and your very own fog machine. Plus, he explodes metal pipes to show the power of cold.
Franklin Institute 2
Steve Spangler visits the historic science museum – the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Science Toys
It's playtime on DIY Sci, as Steve Spangler shows you how to make science toys based on scientific principles. You can put together your very own simple flying device made from paper cups and a contraption that can seem to be controlled by your mind!
Miss America
Miss America of 2020 – Camille Schrier – co-hosts DIY Sci with her friend Steve Spangler.
Impossible Challenges
Host Steve Spangler shows you how to solve science challenges that seem impossible… but they're not.