Extreme Dinosaurs Series
In the present, a team of four anthropomorphic dinosaurs created by aliens, must stop three anthropomorphic velociraptors, who want to cause a cataclysm that would speed up global warming and make Earth's climate pleasant for dinos again.
Out of Time
The Dinosaurs and the Raptors are evolved and made intelligent by Argor Zardok, an evil scientist from the extra dimensional world of Quadrania.
Fossil Fooled
Now that they know they're the world's last surviving dinosaurs, the Dinosaurs get acquainted with everything the 20th century has to offer.
Ick-Thysaurus Vacation
The Dinosaurs win a TV contest and travel to Mexico to collect their prize: a vacation in a tropical paradise.
Inevitable Eggstinction
The Extreme Dinosaurs find their lost eggs, fossilized. They attempt to find a way to revitalize them. That is until the Raptors try to steal them.
Monster Saurus Truckadon
The extreme dinos go up against the raptors in a monster truck tournament.
Saurian Sniffles
One of the Dinosaurs catches the flu.
One of the Raptors inhales a chemical industrial fluid to become mechanized. The Extreme Dinosaurs will have to team up to defeat this cybernetic abomination before it destroys the whole town.
Mission Implausible
The extreme dinosaurs aren't sure they can stop the raptors this time around.
Bullzeye Surfs the Web
Bullzeye learns how to use the internet.
Lochness Mess
The Extreme Dinosaurs travel to Loch Ness, Ireland to search for the legendary beast to see if they can communicate with it. Unfortunately, the Raptors are onto the Extreme Team and wish to use Nessie for their own evil deeds.
Rebel without a Clue
A human tries to trap the Extreme Dinos.
Dialing for Dinosaurs
The extreme dinosaurs use the internet to try and track down more of their kind.
The Raptors attack a mechanical lab and encase themselves in state-of-the-art armor to make sure the Extreme Dinosaurs take a well-earned beating.
Lunar Tunes
The moon causes some strange things to happen, which the extreme dinosaurs decide to look in to.
Raptorian Crude
The Raptors plot to fool the Extreme Dinosaurs that they do not wish to rule the world anymore. When the Dinos fall for this false act of diplomacy, violent complications arise.
Incredible Shrinking Dinosaurs
Aliens shrink the extreme dinosaurs.
Shrink Rap
The raptors shrink the extreme dinos.
Jurassic Art
The Extreme Dinosaurs give their opinions on some ancient artifacts. However, the Raptors plan to steal the artifacts to sell for weapons.
There's no Place like Dome
The Extreme Dinosaurs excavate one of their old hangouts before the great meteor struck and wiped all of their relatives out. They feel nostalgic and feel out of place in present day Earth.
The Rulebook of Love
While studying up on Earth Law, Chedra makes a date with C.P. Buchanan, a lawyer who's just as obsessed with rules as she is.
Have a Nice Daynosaur
The extreme dinosaurs try to have a relaxing day, but it keeps getting interrupted.
The Dinosaur Prophecy
The extreme dino'stry to stop a prophecy from coming true.
Bones of Contention
Another dinosaur comes back from the dead.
The Bad Seed
The extreme Dinosaurs are trying to weed out a bad seed.
The Return of Argor
An old foe of the extreme dinos returns.
Holiday on Ice
The Extreme Dinosaurs take a vacation in subzero conditions and run into the Raptors.
Earth vs. The Flying Raptors
The raptors get their hands on a flying device.
The Raptor WhoWould be King
One of the raptor's dreams he has taken over the world.
Bullzeye gets jealous of one of the others.
Day of the Condorsaurus
The raptors send a robot after the Extreme Dinos.
Night of the Living Pumpkins
The raptors bring a bunch of pumpkins to life.
Lights, Camera, Raptors
The raptors get caught on film.
A Few Good Dinosaurs
The extreme dinos prove it only takes a few.
Captain Pork
The extreme dinos have to deal with a pig.
Bullzeye thinks he's been jinxed.
Enter The Dinosaur
A new dinosaur comes to town.
The Weresaur
One of the raptors has mutated.
Tiptoe Through The Tulips
The Extreme Dinosaurs travel to an island in the tropics and think that they're going to have a nice time. That is until they run into the Raptors who are scheming their next insidious plot.
The dinos enter themselves in a tournament.
Dinosaurs Warriors
The dinos train to be true warriors.
The Dinosaurs face off against John Rathbone.
Cliff Notes
The dinos get trapped on a cliff.
The Mysterious Islandof Dr. Monstromo
The Extreme Dinosaurs end up on a strange island that is ruled with an iron hand by Dr. Monstromo.
Agent Double 'O' Dinosaur
One of Stegz's experiments has gone horribly wrong, and now the Extreme Dinosaurs each have a duplicate. They must solve this problem, and defeat the Raptors from conquering the world at the same time.
The raptors try to take over the world with a new machine.
One of the dinos prisoners has escaped.
Surfasaur's Up
The dinos go to a deserted beach
The dinos get turned to stone.
The Extreme Files
The dinos encounter, what seem to be, aliens.
Sir Gus and The Dragon
The dinos have to deal with a dragon.
The Extreme Dinosaurs encounter an ancient dinosaur who has found his way into their time. He isn't too happy about it, though.
A Bone to Pick
Bullzeye has a bone to pick with the others.