Charlie And Lola
Lola is not sleepy, and she will not go to bed. It falls to Charlie, her older brother, to persuade her. Lola is also convinced that she is absolutely far too small to go to school.
How Many More Minutes Until Christmas?
Lola cannot wait until Christmas. But her Christmas is about to be ruined when she accidentally mixes Lotta's card for Father Christmas'.
It Is Absolutely Completely Not Messy // I Spy With My Little Eyes
Lola refuses to admit that their shared bedroom is messy… “It’s just all spread out!” Charlie and Marv go swimming, Lola decides to play “Spies” with her imaginary friend Soren Lorenson. The two intrepid detectives spy a moving van outside the flats, and they become convinced that a big Ogre is moving in next door!
I Am Extremely Magic // This Is Actually My Party
Charlie is magic. Lola knows this for a fact. He has a new magic set, and he can make coins appear from behind her ears! Lola wants to be magic too. Lola is determined to make Charlie’s birthday party the best birthday party ever!
How Many More Minutes? // I Am Collecting a Collection
Long car journeys and rainy days can be pretty boring, but a dentist waiting room where there is absolutely nothing to do is definitely the most boring place of all! Charlie’s is only missing one dinosaur for his immaculate collection, and it’s the hardest one to get… the Gigantasaurus!
My Best, Best, Bestest Friend // Lucky, Lucky Me!
Lola and Lotta are best, best friends. They do everything together. Then a new girl arrives at school and Lotta seems rather taken with her. Lola starts to feel left out. Lola is convinced she’s the luckiest person in the whole wide world, especially when Granny and Grandpa send her and Charlie the money.
I Just Love My Red Shiny Shoes // I Really Wonder What Plant I'm Growing
Lola’s extremely most favorite red shiny shoes no longer fit, and Dad insists that she gets a new pair of shoes. Lola is not having any of it… her old red, shiny shoes are her favorite, and she is definitely not going to change them, not ever! Charlie is growing a big tomato plant and Lola wants to grow something too.
Charlie Is Broken // I Will Be Especially Very Careful
Charlie and Lola's well-rehearsed circus act for Grandma and Grandpa is threatened when poor Charlie breaks his arm. Lola is overjoyed when Lotta finally agrees to do swaps: Lola can borrow Lotta’s brand new fluffy white coat in exchange for Lola’s clippy purse… just until tomorrow.
Yes I Am, No You're Not // I Am Really, Really, Really Concentrating
Charlie and Lola look forward to going to see a Chinese puppet show, but they are in a squabbling mood. In fact, today, they do nothing but squabble. Will they ever “simmer down” and learn how to talk nicely to each other? It’s Lola’s first-ever school sports day and, after much deliberation, she decides to enter the Egg and Spoon race—the most difficult race of all.
Will You Please Stop Messing About? // I Completely Know About Guinea Pigs
Charlie can only watch his favorite TV Show “Space Family Hudson” after he and Lola have completed some little jobs for Mum and Dad. Lola can’t help but get distracted, and every job becomes a wonderful game. Mrs Hanson has chosen Lola to look after Bert, the class guinea pig, for the school holidays. Lola makes sure she knows everything about guinea pigs. That is, everything except where to find him when Bert the guinea pig totally and utterly disappears!
What if I Get Lost in the Middle of Nowhere? // Welcome To Lolaland
A surprise school trip is planned and as Charlie, Marv and Lotta speculate about where it might be, Lola starts to worry that she might get lost. Charlie and Marv are doing their Spanish homework, which sparks an interest in Lola to speak Spanish too.
Please, May I Have Some of Yours? // Can You Maybe Turn the Light On?
On a trip to the zoo, Lola is keen to buy a seal toy for her bath, but unfortunately, she spends all of her pocket money by the time she gets to the zoo shop. Lola isn’t scared of the dark, she just wants the bedroom door open, the window blind up and the light on…
You Can Be My Friend // I Wish I Could Draw Exactly More Like You
Marv and Charlie go to the insect house and Marv's little brother Morten is coming to play with Lola. Everybody in the whole school has to make a picture of their house for open visiting school day.
I Will Not Ever, Never Forget You Nibbles // Never Ever Never Step on the Cracks
Charlie and Lola love Charlie’s pet mouse, nibbles. They even take him to school, where he shows off his extremely clever tricks. Lola is in a superstitious mood. There are so many unlucky things you can do.
Look After Your Planet // Too Many Big Words
Charlie and Lola are on a recycling mission. Lola learns all about recycling and doing things to save the planet. Lola usually loves going to school, but lately, she doesn't keen on this idea very.