COPS provides a real-life glimpse into the tireless work of law enforcement in the U.S.
Cops Fight and Flight
Police respond to a fight in progress call, officers tail a vehicle leaving a house known for drug activity, and a man calls the police after his wife pushes his Harley over.
Cops Who Let the Dogs Out?
Police find a burglary suspect up a tree in a California backyard, a parolee at large attempts to flee officers, and a man with a suspended license blows his second chance.
Cops Dead Man Flushing
Officers respond to a fight in progress involving mace at a minimart, and a woman tells police that her boyfriend threatened to flush her late husband's ashes down the drain.
Cops Pistol Packin' Families
A man riding a bike at night with no lights decides to take off rather than talk with police, and a dangerous domestic dispute unfolds on the streets of Texas.
Cops Grown Men Gone Wild
An officer pulls over a man making hand gestures at him while driving, an ex-Marine explains his side of a fight, and a traffic stop reveals a truck full of dogs and drugs.
Cops Kill 'Em With Kindness
Officers respond to a call that a man shot up his parents' house, a fleeing suspect hopes a change of clothes will fool the police, and a shaky hit-and-run story unravels.
Cops The Fighting Kind
A man's addiction forces his family to call the police for help, a driver abandons his car and tries to evade officers on foot, and a man tries to conceal his illegal stash.
Cops Cell Phone Secrets
An uncooperative driver leads police on a high-speed chase, and an alleged convenience store robber in custody won't settle down until he gets a kiss from his girlfriend.
Cops Guns, Hash, and Fire Hydrants
A patrol car en route to a call spooks a driver who then takes off at high speed, leading the officers to pursue him instead, and police investigate shots fired on a home.
Cops Get Off My Roof
Officers deploy a police dog to persuade a reluctant suspect to come down off a roof, and an outdoor birthday celebration is crashed by an alleged drunk driver.
Cops This Man Stabbed Me
Police deploy spike strips to curb a stolen vehicle, a parolee at large speeds away with a two-month-old in the car, and officers try to determine the details of a stabbing.
Cops Blood and Scars, Bro!
A patrolman pursues a scooter speeding through a neighborhood, officers try to subdue a raving man, and a woman has issues with her neighbor's dogs.
Cops My Jewelry's Fragile
A cyclist tries to bolt when questioned by police, a deputy uses a cotton swab to procure evidence from a suspect's mouth, and an unmowed lawn triggers a domestic disturbance.
Cops Fast Food Escape
When officers approach, a suspect flees into a fast-food restaurant. A driver takes his granny's wheels for a dangerous spin with cops in pursuit. Sheriffs catch up to a man who fled the scene of a possible domestic battery.
Cops Late Night Snacks
Officers stop a fleeing vehicle, and a man with a warrant learns that a doughnut shop is not the best place to hide from the police.
Cops We Run the Show
A man on the run with a warrant tries to elude police by busting into a residence and hiding under a blanket, and a fleeing cyclist turns apologetic after being caught.
Cops Doggie Paddle
A man resisting arrest sics his dogs on the police, and a recovering addict about to take his first hit in years wanders into the path of police in pursuit of another suspect.
Cops Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Police investigate suspicious activity in a known drug area, officers encounter a jaywalker with the munchies, and a woman caught with meth wants points for honesty.
Cops You Didn't Get Very Far
A man complains of heart trouble after running from police, a suspect in a stolen car leads officers on a wild chase, and police check on a disabled vehicle and its occupants.
Cops Not My Text Messages
A man refusing to comply gets tased, recent texts on a suspect's phone paint a different story from what he's told officers, and a woman tries to hide evidence from police.
Cops Hands Off the Junk
The driver of a stolen car leads police on a winding chase, undercover officers run a prostitution sting, and a woman's domestic disturbance call leads to her own arrest.
Cops Dealt a Bad Hand
Suspects flee an overturned auto, a man is accused of battery with a chain leash, and an unlucky gambler is dealt another losing hand by police when he decides to drive drunk.