COPS provides a real-life glimpse into the tireless work of law enforcement in the U.S.
Feel the Heat
A fishy moped license plate foils a potential burglary, a violent stalker is arrested trying to beat down a door, and an arson suspect is caught in the nude.
Going Nowhere Fast
Officers split up to interrogate two men suspected of stealing a pick-up truck, a motorist tries to ditch a bag of meth, and police discover a bunch of syringes in a vehicle.
Keys to Success
A Kansas man pulls a gun on his brother, a woman reports her ex violating a court order to stay away from her, and officers have a heart-to-heart with a struggling addict.
In Denial
Officers save a suspect's life after arresting him, a man assaults his wife after she uncovers his internet history, and a pregnant woman fears prosecuting her abuser.
Bathroom Blitz
A suspect tries to bargain with officers from a rooftop, a nightclub manager confronts the employee who stole his cash, and a talkative man insists he meant to get arrested.
The Facts of Life
Watching football turns a couple against each other, a cop gets fed up with a repeat shoplifter, and a man tries to swallow a bag of marijuana before officers find it.
Three's Company
Fort Bend, Texas deputies arrest a man for possession of a crack pipe, and Michigan and Washington police both respond to domestic violence situations.
Out the Window
Police help a man evacuate a house fire, a high-speed chase yields only minor infractions, and an officer interrogates a parolee with meth in his car.
Burning Rubber
A fleeing vehicle leads an officer on a hot pursuit, a deputy encounters a nervous driver with a big secret, and a young cyclist tries to make a quick getaway.
Breaking the Cycle
A fleeing motorcyclist crashes into an occupied trailer, a stubborn suspect plays dumb, and officers are disappointed when they run into a repeat offender.
Get a Bus Pass
A young driver sends a deputy on a high-speed chase, a woman's ride home from work turns into a nightmare, and officers find hard drugs in a troubled couple's car.
Slow and Low
A sluggish suspect attempts to outrun the police, officers try to piece together a wild fight between neighbors, and a man's plot to extort money from an ex goes awry.
Wheeling and Stealing
Police pursue a driver and his wife in a high-speed chase, a paranoid man vandalizes his roommate's car, and a shoplifter can't keep her story straight.
Perfect Strangers
A man apologizes profusely after leading an officer on a foot chase, a passenger in a car chase tells conflicting tales, and police find a wanted man on a roof.
In Plain Sight
A cyclist leads officers on a low-speed chase, a motorist who led police on a dangerous chase feigns ignorance, and a couple's date ends with a totaled car.
Cooking Up Trouble
Police collect DNA to establish ownership of a sketchy cigarette pack, investigate an assault between elderly roommates, and question a man claiming to be framed by his ex.
Coming Clean
Police arrest a man about to confront his wife for her accusations about his sexuality, search a baton-wielding cyclist, and check the prints of a man with no identification.
Manicure for a Broken Heart
An officer tackles a masked man with an outstanding warrant, an erratic driver is stopped driving to a nail salon, and police respond to a domestic assault involving hot wax.
What's My Age Again?
A man hands police his gun unannounced, an oblivious suspect tries to make money ripping off two detectives, and a driver's inability to do simple math lands her in hot water.
Not in My Back Yard
Police arrest an uncooperative man with an outstanding warrant, discover marijuana paraphernalia during a traffic stop and investigate a dispute involving a pellet gun.
Formula for Disaster
Officers encounter a restless passenger during a routine traffic stop, deputies track down a shoplifter with a particular taste, and officers respond to a domestic dispute.
Baby Driver
Deputies find a child in the backseat of a hit-and-run suspect's car, officers respond to a shoplifting call, and a man calls the cops over his stepson's erratic behavior.
Little White Lies
A man tries to jump out of a car when his friend takes him on a high-speed chase, and a deputy investigates a man he finds walking down a dark road.
Under My Thumb
A wanted felon attempts to outrun the deputies, undercover officers conduct a sting in an area known for prostitution, and a domestic dispute between cousins goes too far.
Carry a Big Stick
A man who threatened his neighbors redirects his anger toward the deputies, and a driver in crisis puts the lives of others on the line.
Sugar and Spice
A traffic stop takes a surprising turn when a suspect creates a spur-of-the-moment diversion, and a soft-spoken driver has difficulty being upfront with the officers.
A Woman Corned
A wanted woman gives deputies a fake name, but her brother accidentally reveals the truth, and two officers respond to a domestic dispute.
Glazed and Confused
A cyclist runs a red light then runs from police, deputies arrest an uncooperative domestic violence suspect, and a low-speed chase ends in a drug arrest.
Spinning Out
The passenger of a fleeing driver makes his own getaway, a motorcyclist in a high-speed pursuit narrowly misses a car, and police respond to a disturbance call.
The Telltale Voicemail
An ATV driver leads deputies on a wild chase, a woman tries to ditch a bag of hard drugs, and an assault suspect is caught off guard by an incriminating voicemail.
Triple Threat
A wanted man sprints across a freeway to evade police, a woman is arrested for breaking her friend's windows, and a driver tries to talk his way out of a road rage arrest.
Lost and Found
A quiet passenger makes a run for it during a traffic stop, a stolen puppy is safely returned to its family, and a struggling woman hits a speed bump on her road to recovery.
All in the Family
A man assaults his sister and her dog, a gibberish-speaking man is arrested for attacking his neighbors, and a couple with no-contact orders tells conflicting stories.