Titans of the 20th Century
This is a series which is at its core about the four most powerful individuals of modern times: Franklin D Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin (Uncle Jo).
A New Map of The World: 1918-1928
Paul von Hindenburg is 71, a famous general but on the losing side. It is characteristic of this series that he will be back – elected, in his eighties, to be president of the Reich and, in that role, he will appoint Adolf Hitler chancellor.
Feast & Famine: 1929-1933
Masking his disability in a way that would not be possible today, Franklin Delano Roosevelt reaches the Oval Office. The crash of ’29 morphs seamlessly into the Great Depression that reaches every country on earth.
The Shadows Lengthen: 1934-1937
The threat of war seems to intensify: war reaches Ethiopia with the Italian invasion and threatens in Europe with the German occupation of the Rhineland and annexation of Austria.
Darkest Hour: 1938-1940
The Spanish civil war reaches its bloody climax, the League of Nations seems toothless against the aggression of Italy, Germany, and Japan.
World War: 1941-1944
Everywhere on earth is now part of our story and we enter a period in history which, like no other, is dominated by the acts and personalities of a small group of powerful leaders – Titans.
A New World: 1945-1949
As the war finally draws to a close some of the titans are leaving the scene – Roosevelt dies, Churchill is thrown out of office, Mussolini is shot by ‘partisans’ and Hitler shoots himself.