Laverne & Shirley
The misadventures of two single women in the 1950s and '60s.
Debutante Ball
Laverne attends a Debutante Ball with Lenny when it's found out he's 89th in line to be a duke on the Polish throne.
A Date with Eraserhead
The only date - a blind one at that - Shirley finds to make Carmine jealous, is with a former classmate known as Eraserhead (an already balding, chubby, and weird guy). Is it really worth it to get even with Carmine for dating another?
The Festival Pt. 1
Laverne, Shirley, Frank, and Edna travel to New York to visit Frank's mother and attend a street festival; they are joined there by Lenny and Squiggy (who hitchhiked).
The Festival Pt. 2
Laverne, Shirley, Frank, Edna, Lenny, and Squiggy continue their visit to New York, and Frank wants to win a trip to Italy for his mother by winning the Greased Pole competition.
The Quiz Show
TV game show "Be Silly for Dollars" comes to Milwaukee. Len, Squig, and the girls are chosen as contestants. The boys are happy, winning a salami, but the girls perform zany stunts to win the grand prize from "The World of Luxury".
The Robbery
Laverne's new man Jake is exciting, but that excitement turns to danger when he forces her to help rob a store. Shaken up, she begs Shirley to help rid her of him. Jake won't have it, but can they get him to surrender to the police?
Laverne and Shirely Go to Night School
Shirley takes a night school Medical Assistance class. Laverne joins her too. Professor Wilner makes learning tough for Laverne so she walks out, as he says she's unteachable. Will Shirley help Laverne bone up and pass the class?
The Bully Show
A bully that works with Lenny and Squiggy is always pushing them around. He gets them to set him up with Laverne, but he has only one thing on his mind. Will the guys step aside or stand up to him and save Laverne?
It's A Dog's Life
Shirley befriends a German Shepard at the kennel when its abusive owner claims he's a mad dog. Finding out all unadopted and unclaimed dogs are killed, she and Laverne have a sit-in. Can their efforts save him and all the other dogs?
O Come All Ye Bums
Frank DeFazio loses some of his Christmas spirit when he has to cancel his yearly gathering for the homeless and poor. The girls and friends step in to help him keep the holiday meaningful for the less fortunate.
Supermarket Sweep
As Shirley goes back for a grocery item, Laverne's at the checkout line, winning a shopping spree. Shirley feels jealous of her, but soon Laverne sees she's forgotten her friend. The two then team up for an all-out 5 minute, Supermarket Sweep.
Who's Pappa
Shirley and her brother think she's adopted as she doesn't resemble any Feeneys. Later at the hospital where Shirley was born the girls try to get the truth by accessing a private file room in disguise. Is Shirley not a true Feeney female?
Lenny's Crush
Laverne shows Lenny a kindness and then gives him a kiss. Lenny now feels he loves her, and she's now his. No one can get through to him that this isn't the case, but Laverne hopes to let him down easy without completely breaking his heart.
The Fire Show
A small fire in the girls' bedroom becomes the start of a rift between them. Both girls become smitten with one of the handsome firemen that show up. Who will warm his heart and whose hopes will be extinguished?
Squiggy in Luv
All are baffled by a woman's interest in Squiggy as a boyfriend. He loves her like crazy. She's able to make her every whim his command. Can Squiggy be woken up to see she's only using him?
Tenants are Revolting
The girls contact a building inspector to help Edna fix all the problems in their building...but Edna's later mad at them. She's got a short time to get up to code or face a huge fine. Will Edna abandon the girls and tenants in her anger?
Shirley and the Older Man
Shirley starts seeing an older rich gentleman. His snobby family thinks that she only wants his money and couldn't possibly like him for any other reason. Will they let her prove she's not a 'gold digger' or simply stand on their assumptions?
There's a Spy In My Beer
A new male employee at Shotz arouses Laverne's suspicion as she catches him committing corporate espionage. No one, even Shirley, believes her story. Can she get her friend back on her side and foil the plans of "the man in green?