When your job is protecting our most precious natural resources in some of the nation's most remote areas, there is rarely a dull moment. Wardens chronicles the lives of Conservation Officers in America.
Antler Raiders
This week, Montana game wardens try to control the masses as the gates open and antler hunters are set free to find their trophies.
Across The Seeded Fields
Montana game wardens work the opening day of pronghorn season as they monitor legal and illegal hunting practices, as well as protecting the seeded fields from undue harm.
This week, Montana game wardens deal with the opening day of deer season and all the trouble that goes along with it.
In The Drink
This week, Montana game wardens deal with some of the many water issues they deal with including littering, under- age drinking, and the annual Yellowstone Boat Float.
Warrants & Weed
This week, game wardens deal with repeat offenders and people with outstanding warrants that only make matters worse when confronted.
This week, game wardens are looking for poachers and those not hunting within the law, all with a little help from full size decoys and local citizens calling in to the TIP-MONT hotline.
This week, game wardens try and track down a potential poacher who took a deer out of season. Then, we'll follow another warden as he takes his son hunting when his son draws a hard to come by moose tag.
Mercy Kill
Warden Kambic investigates a wounded elk and the hunter who tried to do the right thing.
A wounded deer has locked horns with another buck creating a dilemma for Warden Burroughs.
18 Minutes
On this episode, the Wardens investigate a possible elk harassment case, and a possible poaching in Montana.
Thin Ice
This week on Wardens, Nick Taylor responds to a call about duck hunters shooting duck over thin ice. Then, Bryan Golie keeps an eye on the Bear Tooth Game Range on opening morning of elk season.
700 Yards
On this episode of Wardens, Joe Kambic patrols Deer Lodge, Montana and Kqyn Kuka attempts to rescue a sick buck from the ice.
Sullivan Hill
This week on Wardens, its elk hunting season in Montana and Bryan Golie is after suspicious hunters, and Paul Luepke addresses two hunters shot mule deer does without the proper permits.
Log Jam
Dangerous log jams on the Flathead River threaten unprepared boaters and tubers.
Casting Doubt
A slew of un-licensed anglers catch the attention of Game Wardens.
Operation Wildfire
This week on Wardens, we're tracking down a pesky bear who has been digging through the neighbors trash. In another region, we're citing several people for fishing without a license.