When your job is protecting our most precious natural resources in some of the nation's most remote areas, there is rarely a dull moment. Wardens chronicles the lives of Conservation Officers in America.
Never Ending Day
The Warden's day starts early with an opportunity to capture a convicted game violator who has dodged the law for over 3 years. But just as one case closes another begins - forcing them to work late into the night.
Angry Like a Moose
Region 4 Wardens are called in to round up a 1000 pound bully. But this youngster is not leaving the safety of his home. The Wardens turn to drastic measures to secure the situation.
River Rescue
Region 1 Wardens come across a squatter on public land that leaves them speechless. And Region 5 Wardens are on high alert at the annual Yellowstone River Boat Float.
Failure To Tag
Birds, bucks and missing licenses. This week the Wardens watch a clear violation take place in Region 5. Property lines are crossed in pursuit of upland game and a license check comes up empty.
Warden's Instinct
There is often a fine line between false information and the truth. Veteran Region 5 wardens use their sixth to bring game violators to justice.
Fourth Dimension
Fourth of July in Montana – Flathead Lake is where the party is at. But with the heat tempers flare and the free flowing alcohol combines to make a dangerous situation.
Behind The Shed
When the game ranges are opened up for Antler Shed Hunting its all hands on deck for the Montana Game Wardens. Reports of Bears, Mountain Lions and lost hunters keep the wardens busy.
Fun in The Sun
When Jet skies get too close to boats things can turn dangerous. And Warden Bryan Golie questions an angler in search for the truth.
Above & Beyond
Wardens often go the extra mile to investigate a report of illegal activity, help a hunter or protect landowner rights. This week Wardens go that extra mile with an unexpected outcome.
Thrill Kill
In 2012 The small community of Whitefish Montana was shocked by the useless killing of over 20 deer. Region 1 Wardens think outside the box to put a stop to this heinous crime.
Invasive Species
Protecting Montana Waters from Aquatic Invasive Species is a top priority for Montana FWP. But when AIS check stations are set up in Region 1 and 3 it's up to the Wardens to educate the public.
Axel and Chains
When Wardens respond to a call sometimes getting there is most of the battle. And we pay tribute to an honorary warden that will truly be missed.
Stolen Future
Montana Game Wardens have their hands full with headless deer, trophy bull elk being poached and illegally tagged deer. But the Future of hunting is bright with a new batch of hunters.
Night Chase
With a massive Winter storm bearing down on Northern Montana Wardens aren't backing off. Wardens catch one guy in a web of lies at a check station while miles away they chase down a decoy shooter that refuses to give up.
Wasted Dummy
This week Warden Lesofski searches out a hunting party that left their elk to rot. While Region 2 Wardens rush into a volatile situation after their decoy is shot from the road.
Minor Mistakes
A riverside check station catches four minors with no life jackets and a lot of alcohol. Then Warden Golie stops two car full of minors that should not be behind the wheel.
True Lies
A check station outside of Billings stops a guy who refuses to tell the truth. Investigating who shot the deer reveals a long history of game violations.
Head Case
Someone shot and stashed the head of a trophy bull elk. Wardens spend months staking out the head. Once it is moved they use high tech equipment to locate the head and capture the suspect.
Blood Trail
Wardens step into the world of CSI this week in determining where a deer was killed. But when uncovering the truth the best thing is to follow the Blood Trail.
Case Closed
The illegal killing of multiple animals over the past 5 years by a family of poachers is going to trial. Wardens on on the witness stand hoping for a guilty verdict and a Case Closed.