When your job is protecting our most precious natural resources in some of the nation's most remote areas, there is rarely a dull moment. Wardens chronicles the lives of Conservation Officers in America.
Three Stories, One Bear
Michigan Conservation Officers investigate a bear killed during the season's opening weekend.A suspicious bag of trash left at a state park. Why every successful bear hunter has to turn in a tooth from his kill.
Elevated Charges
It's a late night for two Michigan Conservation Officers as an investigation into a hunting blind on federal property turns into much more.The area is also home to a once nearly extinct bird that is now making a comeback.
Chasing the Big One
Montana Wardens spend a week tracking the killer of two out of season deer.Anonymous tips and eye witness accounts keep the Wardens hot on a trail filled with many twists and turns.
Buggy-ing Out
The Fourth of July weekend in Silver Lake State Park is a non-stop party. It's always a thrill ride as Michigan Conservation Officers help patrol the park during this busy time and make keeping the peace their number one priority.
Counting Shells
Michigan Conservation Officers spend a lot of time enforcing the laws of waterfowl hunting. Using canoes, they work silently across the state's largest game area. It's not all work as one officer oversees a class trip to the pheasant field.
Shed Hunting
Opening Day looking for antlers is like a Christmas morning for shed hunters.A few are willing to break the law for a crack at a monster shed.Montana Wardens are on the look out for one offender who is no stranger to a run-in with the law.
Interstate Travel
To slow the spread of CWD, Michigan Conservation Officers work Opening Day to make sure no deer come in from infected states.Their goal is to stop any deer that don't belong.Suspect deer are checked at the Wildlife Disease Lab.
Dog and Decoy
Montana - Wardens use everything from a deer decoy to a K-9 to make sure hunters are following the rules.
Deer Patrol Bros
During the opening week, COs and brothers Bill and Shane Webster patrol the state using vastly different strategies. Bill is on aerial patrol looking for illegal bait piles while Shane is working the web to track down offenders.
Rural Road Huntin'
The opening week of firearm deer season is one the year's busiest. Officers in Districts 3 and 6 tackle road hunting issues in rural Michigan.
Still on the List
Officers in both the lower and upper peninsula of Michigan work to stop hunters from baiting for bear too early.
Kings Hill
Warden Bryan Golie investigates a call of shots fired on private property during the big game season and is in for one long night.
Watching Walleye
In District 6, the Walleye Opener is one of the busiest weekends of the year. A 10 officer patrol works the weekend making sure everyone is safe and obeying the law.
Firearm Opener
All across Michigan, officers spend the 16 days of the firearm deer season responding to all manner of calls. From trespassing to poaching, just when you think you've seen it all, something new pops up.
Watch Out for Grizzly
Hunters have their downed elk attacked by a grizzly bear and Warden Koeppen investigates a separate dead elk, left in a field.
Elk Fever
There are two distinct elk seasons in Michigan, one in August and one in December. Patrolling those two seasons couldn't be more different for the Officers in District 3.
Eye in the Sky
C.O.s in Michigan sometimes rely on aerial surveillance to crack down on illegal baiting during the firearm whitetail season..
Long Day
Game Warden John Lesofski starts his day before sunrise and doesn't wrap up until well past sunset.