When your job is protecting our most precious natural resources in some of the nation's most remote areas, there is rarely a dull moment. Wardens chronicles the lives of Conservation Officers in America.
Sturgeon Spearing
Michigan's District 3 is home to the state's only sturgeon spearing season. The limit is low, but the reward can be a fish of a lifetime.
U.P. Snowmobile Patrol
Michigan Conservation Officers in the U.P. have a lengthy snowmobile season to patrol. From sound checks to safe riding on trails, it's never a dull day in the snow.
Shining Surveillance Part 1
There's no shining for wildlife on public ground during the month of November in Michigan. To comabt that, an aerial patrol at night is utilized.
Shining Surveillance Part 2
There's no shining for wildlife on public ground during the month of November in Michigan. To comabt that, an aerial patrol at night is utilized.
First Day of Deer Season
Michigan hunters harvested the second most whitetails in the country. Keeping track of everyone in the field requires near 24/7 surveillance.
Illegal Blinds
Hunting blinds can not be left on state land year-round. When officers find blinds that need to be removed, they search high and low for the owners.
Bears in the U.P.
It can take 7 years to draw a bear tag in Michigan's U.P. Conservation Officers make sure everyone plays by the same rules, so no one has an advantage.
Westside Fishing
The westside of Michigan has some of the state's best fishing spots. From inland rivers to the Great Lakes, C.O.s know their fall will be spent watching anglers.
Best of: Michigan Whitetail Patrol
Michigan's archery deer season lasts 77 days and the regular firearm season is 16 days long. Over that time period, C.O.'s use a variety of tactics to make sure everyone is playing by the rules.
Pure Michigan
The state of Michigan is highlighted through a contest to win hunting licenses and over $4000 in prizes. Officers also patrol during a summer boating festival and the firearm deer season.
Detroit River Walleye
Conservation Officers patrol fishermen and women on the Detroit River, on the border between Michigan and Canada during the spring spawning run for walleye.
Autumn East to West
An officer on Michigan's east side meets a driver on the road without a license and an officer on the state's west side patrols during a waterfowl hunt on a state game area.
Man-Made Fires
Conservation Officers on patrols during fall fishing season as well as spring turkey season encounter suspects that have set fires in conditions where they shouldn't have.
Whitetail Patrol Tactics
Michigan Conservation Officers employ numerous tactics to enforce the state laws. Some of them include using aerial patrols to look out for illegal activitity as well as keeping an eye out for blinds on state land that have been in place too long.