Autopsy: The Last Hours of...
A documentary series that reveals the truth behind the controversial deaths of global icons and people whose untimely deaths were surrounded by scandal and intense media attention.
Kate Spade
Kate, a fun-loving fashion journalist, mocked up her first handbags from tracing paper.
Andy Griffith
Very little is known about what happened in the last few years of Andy Griffith's life.
Steve Irwin
Zookeeper and wildlife expert Steve Irwin is killed while filming an underwater documentary.
Jerry Lewis
Jerry Lewis was still working into his nineties, up until just a few months before his death.
Roy Horn
On May 8th, 2020, the world is rocked by news that Roy Horn fell victim to coronavirus.
Verne Troyer
Verne Troyer, the tiny star adored for playing Mini-Me, dies at the tender age of 49.
Leonard Nimoy
On February 27th, 2015, Leonard Nimoy, the actor known for Spock, dies of COPD at the age of 83.