Gangsters: Faces of the Underworld
This intriguing series explores the underworld’s most notorious characters and crooks interviewed for the first time - many of whom have never appeared on camera before - to reveal shocking true stories of lives etched with danger, fear and violence.
Bernard O’Mahoney begins his journey in Glasgow, an epicentre for criminal activity over the past 50 years. Bernie meets the city's first Godfather of crime, Walter Norval, former leader of the XYY gang.
One of Manchester's most infamous gangs, formed in the 60s, was the Quality Street Gang. Bernie chats to three of the members.
With a history rich in crime activity, England's capital gives Bernie the chance to meet numerous 'faces' that have shaped London's colourful past, as well as present day names.
Panda Anderson will tell the story of the Krays visit to Newcastle. (To purchase gaming machines from a man named Vince Landa). We meet Billy Robinson, a man who recruited every top villain and fighter in Newcastle to work as doormen.
Your Money or Your Life?
The 70s and 80s saw a change in activity for criminal fraternities. Following the 'harsh' sentencing of the Krays, many turned to armed robbery to earn a living.
In the final episode of the series, Bernie attempts to answer the age old question Does crime pay?