The Contender
The competition series follows a group of boxers as they compete with one another to be crowned The Contender, while their lives and relationships with each other and their families are depicted.
The Contender Tryouts
Sixteen super-middleweight boxers vie for a $1 million purse as the bell sounds for Season 3 of The Contender, hosted by Sugar Ray Leonard. Each episode ends with a five-round elimination bout. Buddy McGirt and Jose Correa are trainers.
We're At The Dance Now, Baby!
'We're At The Dance Now, Baby!' - Oscar De La Hoya makes a guest appearance as another five-round elimination bout is on tap for the group of super middleweights.
Don't Tell Me Who You Are. Show Me...
'Don't Tell Me Who You Are. Show Me Who You Are.' - The Gold team has control of the next fight. Meanwhile, Alexander's scheming begins to catch up with him.
The Contender - Episode 304
The Big Guns' - Jaiden receives tragic news from home. The gold team still owns Power of Choice and chooses Wayne Johnsen and Miguel Hernandez to fight.
You Never Know What's In A Man's Heart
After two consecutive losses to the Gold Team, Wayne Johnsen defeats Miguel Hernandez and finally brings home a victory for Pepe and the Blue Team. Elated over their first win, Pepe Correa commends Wayne and hails him as 'the savior of the Blue Team.'
Gunnin' For The Knockout
Gunnin' For The Knockout' - Rivals Banks and Smith settle their feud in the ring. Sam Soliman chooses to fight Sakio Bika while Wayne Johnsen picks Jaidon Cordington.
No Turning Back
No Turning Back' - Former Contender fighters highlight a live card in Carson, Cal. Featured: Alfonso Gomez (17-3-2, 8 KOs) vs. Ben Tackie (29-7-1, 17 KOs).
Bringing The Pain
Bringing the Pain' - In the semi-finals, Jaidon Codrington and Wayne Johnsen go up against each other for a spot in the finals.
Nothing Is Going To Stop Me From...
Nothing is Going to Stop Me From Winning This Fight' - The second eight-round semifinal sets the matchup for the Contender 3 final in Boston.
Fight Of The Year
Fight of the Year' - The final two square off in the 10-round Season 3 finale in Boston with a $750,000 grand prize on the line.