Across The World With Te Radar
Eco-adventurer Te Radar goes on a global quest to find the most spectacular feats of innovation in the fight to protect the environment. In this series Te Radar visits England, Dubai, Borneo, Africa, and China.
Te Radar goes global on an expedition of discovery to find innovative ways people are helping the environment. Looking at the future of cars sees Te Radar delivering wing mirrors made of potato starch to a Formula Three team in Britain… And after filling it up on diesel made from waste chocolate, he goes for a spin.
Are there plenty more fish in the sea? Global Radar tries a day of low impact fishing and then heads to the small island nation of Tonga to see how looking back will help them look forward to a more plentiful catch.
Sustainable Production
Palm oil is used in so many modern conveniences and that leads Te Radar to Borneo to see how that impacts Orangutans as their habitat is cut down to make way for the plantations that ensure we can have our favourite instant noodles, crackers, chocolate… even lipstick.
It's a messy business but Global Radar finds there is a big future in all kinds of waste and the value in what we flush or toss away is astounding… and while on his global mission a stop in China leads Te Radar to a man who has made over 60 robots from rubbish.
Deploying his own tracking device, Te Radar tries to find out what happens to rubbish that washes into waterways and finds himself shocked by how much plastic floats across the world’s oceans only to soil pristine beaches in the South Pacific far from where those items were made or consumed.
Global Radar is looking for ways we can keep modern life powered up while the impact on the planet is dialed down and that means riding a solar bus quietly moving people around an Australian city and Te Radar joins a production line in China to see how new light bulbs save power.
Te Radar heads off to a town right beneath a South American mountain glacier that is dealing with water worries that should make us all sit up and take notice and he uses his own body to test a new way to make drinking water safe.
Te Radar ponders what the future will bring and visits Rwanda to see how the country has changed its culture to preserve the mountain gorillas, and stops in at a sustainable city in Abu Dhabi to see how building a sustainable future is possible with the help of the world’s brightest young minds.