Starla & The Jewel Riders
A young princess and her friends defend the kingdom of Avalon and the throne of New Camelot against the forces of evil.
Morgana The Sorceress finds her Dark Stone, but realizes that she can’t control it because it has been tuned to Kale…
Using maps found in Merlin’s cottage, The Jewel Riders begin to map the wild magic looking for powerful Wizard Jewels…
Fashion Fever
It’s high fashion and high-jinx as the annual charity fashion show opens at the Crystal Palace fair grounds…
The Wizard of Gardenia
In the magical gardens of Gardenia, a gardener/gnome fools the Jewel Riders into thinking that he is one of the great Wizards from Avalon’s past, and capable of great magic…
Vale of the Unicorns
The Jewel RIders journey to the land of unicorns after it has been attacked by Morgana…
Prince of the Forests
While searching for wondrous Faery Wraiths in the Forest of Arden, Princess Gwenevere finds romance and magic with a strange boy named Ian…
The Wishing Jewel
Gwen and Drake get lost in the misty walls that surround Avalon and discover a new magical but dangerous place outside the borders of the kingdom…
The Jewel of the Sea
Princess Gwenevere, Sunstar, and the Jewel Riders embark on a great sea voyage to a magical island where a Wizard Jewel has landed…
Trouble in Elftown
Three mischievous trolls find new Enchanted Jewels in the wild magic and use them to steal all of the Elf Magic from the Elf Woods. The Jewel Riders ride into town and look for a show down with the Trolls to save the Elves…
Mystery Island
Tamara makes the Jewel Rides to go and rescue a crying creature in the wild magic. On their way, the Jewel Riders find a lost island.
The Fortune Jewel
The girls go see a fortune teller and discover one of the jewels they need, but Kale and Morgana also want it…
Spirit of Avalon
The Jewel Riders and their evil rivals race for supreme magical power…
The Last Dance
Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders journey to the center of the Wild Magic where they confront Morgana for the control of the magic of Avalon.