This half-hour sitcom bore a passing resemblance to NBC's Diff'rent Strokes- here, a white couple becomes the guardians of a diminutive black child who had recently been orphaned.
Another Ballgame
After the untimely death of a young boy's parents, he is sent to live with his father's best friend.
Kathryn's Swan Song
Katherine wants to get some attention from Webster and she tries a few things. Meanwhile, Webster's friend is not getting much attention because her mom just had a baby, so she runs away and Webster hides her in his room.
Consulting Adults
Webster tries out for the football team. Katherine is then afraid that Webster will get seriously hurt especially because of his height and build. Also, we learn that Webster is picked to be on the team only because of George's fame in football.
It is revealed to George and Katherine why Travis, Webster's late father, chose George to be Webster's godparents and legal guardians if something happened to them.
Don't Jump George
Katherine is too obsessed with winning when she appears on a game show.
A Question of Honor
All the blame goes to Webster when his friends try to rob the Tracadero, their hangout.
Educating Katherine
Katherine gets a taste of the worst: being a volunteer art teacher. She feels that she is boring and failing, so Webster tries to help her.
Teddy Bear Scare
George and Katherine both try and persuade Webster that he can do without his teddy bear, which is lost.
George, The Patient in Spite of Himself
Webster has to have his tonsils out, so he tries to be tough just like George.
Secrets of The Night
Webster is always nervous and it's resulted with him having a bed-wetting problem.
Webster gets nightmares because the teacher he has a crush on wants to read his composition aloud.