This half-hour sitcom bore a passing resemblance to NBC's Diff'rent Strokes- here, a white couple becomes the guardians of a diminutive black child who had recently been orphaned.
The Landlords
George and Katherine, who bought Bill & Cassie's house, have a three-ring circus with the clown they found to rent the downstairs apartment.
The Derby
George is so obsessed with Webster winning a derby that he builds the car without him, hurting his feelings since Webster wanted to build the car together.
A Run for the Money
George secures a $10,000 pledge for Katherine to run in a 10K charity race, but when she's injured, Webster decides to run for her.
Read It and Weep
The family thinks Papa has a vision problem, but the truth is that Papa never learned to read.
Webster meets a lonely woman on a dare from his friends and finds out that she is not the witch they said she was.
Kiss Me, Kate
Webster is disillusioned when his TV hero Jed Hammond comes to Chicago and makes a pass at Katherine.
The Big Sleepover
George and Katherine are delighted when Webster makes a new friend and extends an invitation for a sleepover until they discover that Tony is a girl.
The son of George's boss bullies Webster into doing his schoolwork, or else the kid will tell his dad to fire George.
A Test of Characters
Webster's crafts instructor takes credit for Web's winning picture in a photo contest.
Freedom of the Press
Webster's article in the school paper exposes the personal problems of a teacher Katherine is counseling.
Seeing It Through
Webster feels guilty that his success as a dog-walker comes at the expense of his predecessor; and the expense of home repairs spurs Katherine to try to fix things herself.
Katherine the Brave
Katherine takes over the role of scout leader for Webster's scout troop. Another male leader doesn't like the idea of a woman scout leader. When an injury calls for quick thinking, Katherine comes to the rescue.
What Price Friendship?
Webster tries to buy friendship to fit in with the two coolest kids in his school, Joey and David. George finds out he's supposed to speak at a ceremony for Gloria Steinem.