This half-hour sitcom bore a passing resemblance to NBC's Diff'rent Strokes- here, a white couple becomes the guardians of a diminutive black child who had recently been orphaned.
San Francisco: Part 1
Webster, Katherine and George help a musician (played by Lee Weaver) make his way to San Francisco to play with his old band at their 40th reunion show.
Katherine, the Greek
When George is a flop at predicting football games, he enlists the aid of Katherine, who proves to have an uncanny knack for picking winners.
Hello, Nicky
Webster helps his cousin Nicky, who's afraid to tell his family that he doesn't want to move to Nigeria with them.
Breaking Away
An enthusiastic George takes the family on a fishing trip, but all Webster can think about is the fun he could be having with his buddies.
The Strike
The unconventional methods of Webster's teacher earn him an A from the students and a pink slip from an outraged PTA.
George's Brush With Life
After learning that his buddies from school have died, George quits his job and resolves to live life to the hilt.
The Importance of Being Worthy
Webster and Nicky's excitement over a fund-raiser they organized fizzles when the proceeds are stolen.
A Hell of a Weekend
A weekend at Wisconsin Dells with parents of Webster's best friend reveals more than Katherine and George want to see, they are nudists.
Simple Gifts
Katherine's rich Uncle Charles visits for Christmas. George is worried Webster is forgetting the important part of the season.
Nerds Are People Too
When Webster decides to join the school's community service club, he finds that all of its members are nerds. But after giving back to a community of retirees, Webster discovers that nerds are people too.
The Cruise
George and Katherine recall how they met on a two-week Greek cruise, fell in love, and got married before it was over.
Dial K for Katherine
Katherine is bugged by a message left on her answering machine: a prisoner against whom she testified has been released and wants to talk to her.
George learns that Nicky's school's football team is recruiting players from outside the district.
Basketball Blues
Webster and Nicky discover that an up-and-coming basketball star is abusing cocaine.
Love Letters
When Nicky (Corky Nemac) has trouble writing to a girl (Ami Dolenz) he has a crush on, Webster comes through: excerpts from Katherine's old love letters.
Parental Guidance Suggested
Webster and his friends want to see a violent movie that one reviewer described as more violent than The Three Stooges at a hardware store. Katherine, George, and the other parents object until they see it first.
George and Katherine buy a hot tub that leaks so badly that it destroys the second floor bathroom.
See George Run
George investigates why he was suddenly dropped as an endorsed candidate for the Board of Education.