AMC's Freakshow follows Todd Ray's quirky family business - the Venice Beach Freakshow. Spectators gather to see truly unique people, specimens, and creatures. Normal is relative.
Two-Headed Bearded Dragon Birthday
Todd tries to convince a living giant and a bearded lady to join The Freakshow and be a part of the two-headed bearded dragon's birthday party.
Swords a Plenty
Asia attempts sword swallowing in hopes of participating in sword swallower's day. Competition between the performers heats up.
Two Headed Baby
The Lobster Boy" joins Todd on a family trip to obtain a two-headed baby and a day of roller skating causes panic for one of the performers.
Human Pin Cushion
Murrugun defies the limits of the human body with his human pin cushion stunt. Creature attempts to reunite with his estranged five-year-old daughter.
The Littlest Wedding
Todd throws a Freakshow-style wedding and an unexpected visit from The Sadu Hobo illustrates why he's known as "the pain proof man.
Freaks of Nature
Jesse the Half Man and Jim the Armless Wonder visit The Freakshow and show off their superhuman abilities. Todd is faced with a difficult decision.
Strongman Competition
Todd hosts a Freakshow Strongman Competition utilizing ears, nipples and eye sockets. An emotional story from a new performer strikes a chord.
Freakshow Festival
Todd wants to ban the word Normal. "Freaks" from all over converge in Venice to support the cause, do insane stunts and hold a giant Freak Parade.