Pick A Puppy
Go along for the ride as families visit various breeders, owners and animal shelters in an attempt to find the perfect puppy fit, discovering as much about themselves in the process as the breeds they’re exploring.
S02 Episode 01: Oh Mi Corazon
The Fraser family looks for a dog to join their family. They meet with the Beagle, the Havanese, and with the Old English Sheep Dog. But can they convince Dad that there are other dogs besides the Old English Sheep Dog?
S02 Episode 02: Little Rascals
The Vargas family is looking for a fun loving and energetic breed that can keep up with their two young children. They decide to visit the German Shepherd, the Bassett Hound and the Golden Doodle.
S02 Episode 03: Water Ready
The Frohlick family is looking for a new furry friend that can keep up with their active lifestyle- and that loves the water as much as they do. Will they find what they’re looking for while visiting the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Miniature …
S02 Episode 04: Very Active
The Chambers family are visited by three special rescue dogs in hopes of finding a new edition to the family: Abby- a Labrador/Bassett Hound mix, Liam- a Labrador/German Shepherd and Beagle mix and finally Takaro- a Labrador/German Shepherd mix.
S02 Episode 05: The Sweetest Thing
The Vietri-Mistry family is searching for their very first family dog. While they visit the French Bulldog, the Irish Setter and the Mini Poodle, it seems that mom and daughter can’t agree on a breed.
S02 Episode 06: See You At The Cottage
The Brohman family is looking for special dog to be a companion for their young son while his sisters go away to college. They all seem to have different favorites from visiting the Barbet, the Labradoodle and the Great Dane.
S02 Episode 07: Bundle Of Joy
The Johnstone family meets a three different rescue dogs, but can only pick one to give all of their love. Will it be JJ- a Maltese mix, Marley- a Labrador Retriever, or Ruby- a German Shepherd mix?
S02 Episode 08: Puppy Day Afternoon
The Nethery family is searching for a new dog to join their active and fun family. They meet West Highland Terriers, the Coton De Tulear, and also the Wheaton Terrier- but they all have to be mindful of Dad's allergies.
S02 Episode 09: Puffballs
The Atkinson family visits the Brussels Griffon, Sheltie and Toy Manchester Terrier in hopes of finding a brand new puppy to grow up with their three young children and help teach them responsibility.
S02 Episode 10: New Companion
The Bhatti family is ready for their first puppy. While they visit the Cairn Terrier, the Dutch Sheep Dog and also the Yorkie Poo their young son hoping that one of these breeds will be a buddy he can call his own.
S02 Episode 11: Marco Polo
The Pascoe family is ready to love again after the recent passing of their first family dog. They visit three different breeds - but have a hard time deciding. Will it be the Australian Shepherd, the Golden Retriever or the Viszula?
S02 Episode 12: Love Times Two
The Haggith family is visited by three rescue dogs that all deserve a loving home: Benny- a Lhasa Apso mix, Gibson- a Maltese mix and finally Baron- a Dashcund/Poodle mix. But only one rescue can be a match for them, and their current family dog.
S02 Episode 13: Cute And Compact
The Simons family visits the Shi Tzu, the Brittany Spaniel and the Bichon Frise in hopes of finding a puppy that will be able to keep up with their three young kids.
S02 Episode 14: Best Show
The Van Beek family is looking for a special rescue dog that they can care for and welcome into their active home. They are visited by three rescue dogs: Juliet- a Shi Tzu mix, Jett- a Pug/Jack Russell mix, and finally Emily- an Australian Terrier mi …
S02 Episode 15: Snuggles
The Ludlow family visits a Boston Terrier, a Corgi and some Welsh Terriers in hopes of finding a brand new puppy for their two young daughters to grow up with.
S02 Episode 16: Perfect Fit
The Bulwa family is on the search for a very special rescue dog to give a second chance to. Will it be Lily- a Schnauzer/Terrier mix, Brewster- a Terrier mix, and finally Bubba- a French Bulldog.