11:00 PM-01:30 AM
Ponyland is a mystical land, home to all kinds of magical creatures. The Little Ponies make their home in Paradise Estate, living a peaceful life filled with songs and games.
The Ponies are on their way to Flutter Valley for the "Sun Tuesday" celebration with the Flutter Ponies. Meanwhile, the Witches from the Volcano of Gloom are busy hatching a plan to destroy Flutter Valley and the Ponies.
S1E110 min
The witches from the Volcano of Gloom have devised a way to steal the Flutter Ponies' Sunstone. Without the Sunstone, Flutter Valley will wither and die!
S1E210 min
The Bumbles steal the Sunstone and take it back to Bumbleland, where it promptly melts the snow and grows hundreds of flowers. The Flutter Ponies are captured and put in a honeycomb prison.
S1E310 min
Morning Glory manages to escape the Honeycomb Prison, but her wings still have honey on them, and she can't fly fast enough to escape Queen Bumbles' swarm. She is recaptured and guarded by Sting in her own cage on the other side of Bumbleland.
S1E410 min
Bumbleland continues to get hotter and hotter as the Sunstone overheats. By now the flowers and trees are catching fire. Sting and Morning Glory start to bond while he is guarding her, and he lets it slip that he can't fly.
S1E510 min
Morning Glory and Sting escape Bumbleland to find help.
S1E610 min
Morning Glory and Sting convince Megan to come back with them to Ponyland to help save Flutter Valley.
S1E711 min
Megan and the others come to free the Flutter Ponies, but end up captured themselves!
S1E810 min
Furbob is afraid of the Stonebacks, but Megan convinces him that they are friends, not enemies.
S1E910 min
Will the ponies be able to get the Sunstone back in place to save Flutter Valley before the sun sets?
S1E1010 min
A ghost appears to the baby ponies, but it won't appear when Megan is around.
S1E1111 min
The ghost turns into a beautiful and mysterious creature trying to rescue her grandfather. She destroys Paradise estate.
S1E1210 min
Paradise Estate is partially restored and the ponies help the mysterious creature battle Squirk the Evil Octopus.
S1E1310 min
While holding some of the ponies prisoner, Squirk the Evil Octopus tries flooding all of Dream Valley!
S1E1411 min
A pair of monkeys called Gizmonks take Danny as a Surprise prisoner until Megan turns over the Rainbow of Light to them.
S1E1511 min
Dream Valley is full of activity as the Little Ponies train for the Pony Olympics. What the ponies don't know is that three Raptorians are flying overhead in search of magical material to repair Princess Porcina's cloak.
S1E1610 min
The Bushwoolies spy the Raptorians taking Lickety-Split, Gusty, and Heart Throb to the Black Mountains and rush to Paradise Estate to tell the others. Megan takes Magic Star, Paradise, and North Star to rescue them, letting the Bushwoolies lead the way.
S1E1710 min
The Raptorians discover that the captured ponies' hair grows back instantly once cut off. Not only are Lickety-Split, Gusty, and Heart Throb then forced to stay, but they are also ordered to weave Porcina's new cloak themselves.
S1E1810 min
Shady and Molly reveal themselves to their friends; Shady then devises a plan to make a fake cloak out of shed Bushwoolie hair so that they can exchange it for Porcina's cloak and reverse the spell.
S1E199 min
The Ponies find a puppy and decide to keep her and build her a doghouse and name her Dinah. When the new puppy is reunited with her family the following Spring, the Ponies are sad to see her go.
S1E2011 min
Baby Heart Throb, Baby Lofty and Baby Half Note want to sing backup for Knight Shade. But to their dismay, he has stolen their shadows, which contain all of their energy and substance.
S1E2111 min
Baby Heart Throb, Baby Lofty and Baby Half Note want to sing backup for Knight Shade. But to their dismay, he has stolen their shadows, which contain all of their energy and substance.
S1E2210 min
Megan and Molly take Baby Heart Throb, Baby Lofty and Baby Half Note to a concert featuring their favorite singer, Night Shade and his back up singers, the Shadowets.
S1E2310 min
Zeb and Erebus nearly steal everyone's shadow before Molly's.
S1E2410 min
Sweet Stuff wants to play games with everyone else, but feels left out because she is an Earth Pony and doesn't seem to be good at anything.
S1E2511 min
During a game of hide and seek, Baby Ribbon cheats by winking out. But the others get worried when she doesn't wink back in the second time she does this.
S1E2611 min
After sending the baby ponies to the Moochick for protection, Megan gathers together everyone who managed to escape the attack. They try various methods of rescuing their friends but all wind up failing.
S1E279 min
With Megan captured, Danny takes the lead and suggests they find a way to destroy Grogar's magic. Forget-Me-Not remembers that the bell he wears around his neck glowed when he used his magic in Tambelon.
S1E2810 min
Everybody's captured now, including the Moochick and the baby ponies, so Grogar starts the spell that will send Tambelon and the ponies into the Realm of Mists.
S1E2910 min
The baby Ponies are bored and want Ribbon and Buttons to play a game with them. Ribbon suggests that they play a game of Make Believe and runs out to go get them a red ball to use in their game.
S1E3011 min
The Sea Ponies find a treasure cheast filled with magic gold pieces. The Ponies quickly discover they can make any wish come true, and Baby Lickety-Split puts all of Ponlyland in jeopardy by wishing it would never rain again.
S1E3111 min
Because of a mistaken wish, Ponyland is nearly dried up. While the Baby Sea Ponies barely hold on, the Moochick sends Megan and a group of Ponies to the source of their troubles.
S1E3210 min
Niblick the Troll agrees to end the drought in Ponyland, if Megan and the Ponies will bring him something of equal value.
S1E3310 min
As Dream Valley burns, Megan tries to use the remaining Magic Coin to save all her friends.
S1E3410 min
After a magical mishap, Fizzy, Shady, Wind Whistler and Gusty must live each other's lives until they can restore the balance of nature.
S1E3511 min
The Little Ponies provide shelter to Woebegone, a wandering hobo who brings bad luck and disaster wherever he goes.
S1E3611 min
The Ponies help a jinxed little man regain his confidence.
S1E3710 min
Posey finds some sentient flowers wandering around her garden and offers them shelter and water, but she has no idea what they have in store for her to repay her kindness!
S1E3811 min
The Flouries have taken Masquerade hostage and are on their way to suck the life out of Dream Valley unless the ponies can stop them!
S1E3910 min
Spike is harassed by a young boy trying to become a knight. The Ponies help him to find a good deed that doesn't involve slaying their friend.
S1E4011 min
The Ponies are delighted as snow falls in summer, not realizing that it's a plot by the Penguin King to freeze Ponyland and destroy those that can't survive the cold.
S1E4111 min
The Ponies try to find a way to make the King of the Penguins thaw out Ponyland.
S1E4210 min
A vicious dog carved from rock charges through Ponyland, turning everything it encounters to stone.
S1E4311 min
Using the magical Heartstone, Megan and Windwhistler try to outwit Crunch the Rockdog, and save Ponyland from turning into stone.
S1E4410 min
Paradise Estate is falling apart, so Paradise and Sweet Stuff go off to buy some tools to fix the place up. On their way they are stopped by a peddler who offers them a free sample of some magic paint that will solve all of their household problems.
S1E4511 min
After being kicked out of their home by their furniture, the Ponies seek out the help of the Moochick. The Moochick tells the Ponies that Beason is really a powerful sorcerer that gave them the paint so he could steal Paradise Estate.
S1E4610 min
A door is opened to the world of fairy tales, and the ponies meet such legends as Robin Hood, Aladdin's genie and Hercules.
S1E4711 min
When all the legends have disappeared from her storybooks, Megan goes to Ponyland to help get them back where they belong, before the land of legends and Ponyland fall to pieces.
S1E4811 min
Tirek captures some of the little ponies to use as demons to pull his Chariot of Darkness at midnight. The rest of the ponies panic, fearing that they will be next.
S1E4911 min
Locked out of their home by the evil wizard Beezen, the Ponies do their darndest to get back in, with some unexpected help from Baby Heart Throb and her baby buggy.
S1E5010 min
The magical forces of Ponyland are disturbed when Lavan steals the Princess Ponies' magic wands.
S1E5111 min
All the magic in Ponyland has gone crazy. Will Megan and Princess Tiffany be able to save the day?
S1E5210 min
The Princess Ponies learn to overlook their differences, as the Ice Orcs and the Lava Demons become Friends.
S1E5310 min
The Princess Ponies learn to work together to make their Magic wands save the magic of Ponyland, and their new friends the Bushwoolies get the royal treatment themselves.
S1E5410 min
When Spike discovers that he can now breathe fire, he searches for other dragons who can teach him to control it. When he finds some, he learns more than he bargained for.
S1E5511 min
When Mimic becomes afflicted with a mysterious illness, Megan and the ponies embark on a series of odd adventures to find four golden horseshoes with the power to heal the ailing unicorn.
S1E5611 min
The search for the horseshoes takes Megan and the Pegasus Ponies to a remote Elvin kingdom, where they must convince a little girl to give up her favorite toy to save a pony. Will she do it?
S1E5711 min
Heart Throb, Locket, and Twilight help a young man rescue his true love from and enchanted castle.
S1E5810 min
Heart throb, Locket, and Twilight help rescue the princess, but she surprises them all.
S1E599 min
The First Tooth Baby Ponies are put in charge of the Newborn Twines: Sniffles & Snookums and Milkweed & Tumbleweed.
S1E6011 min
The ponies prepare a surprise Welcome Home party for the Big Brother ponies, but the surprise they give them isn't at all what they intended!
S1E6111 min
All the Little Ponies have been lured into a magic amusement park, that makes them grow old. Will the Big Bother Ponies be strong enough to defeat the evil witch Somnambula?
S1E6210 min
The Ponies come to the aid of two wronged royals when the attend an exclusive party at the Palace de Branforr. Meanwhile, the First Tooth Baby Ponies learn to be careful what they wish for.
S1E6311 min
The Little Ponies prepare for a "Welcome Back" party for their human friend, Megan.
S1E6411 min
Megan and the litte Ponies are in the middle of a magic blizzard, caused by the witch Katrina. Will the rainbow of light rescue them before they freeze?
S1E6510 min
Bumbleland continues to get hotter and hotter as the Sunstone overheats. By now the flowers and trees are catching fire. Sting and Morning Glory start to bond while he is guarding her, and he lets it slip that he can't fly./Morning Glory and Sting escape Bumbleland to find help.
S1E100321 min
Morning Glory and Sting convince Megan to come back with them to Ponyland to help save Flutter Valley./Megan and the others come to free the Flutter Ponies, but end up captured themselves!
S1E100421 min
Furbob is afraid of the Stonebacks, but Megan convinces him that they are friends, not enemies./Will the ponies be able to get the Sunstone back in place to save Flutter Valley before the sun sets?
S1E100521 min
A ghost appears to the baby ponies, but it won't appear when Megan is around./The ghost turns into a beautiful and mysterious creature trying to rescue her grandfather. She destroys Paradise estate.
S1E100622 min
Paradise Estate is partially restored and the ponies help the mysterious creature battle Squirk the Evil Octopus./While holding some of the ponies prisoner, Squirk the Evil Octopus tries flooding all of Dream Valley!
S1E100721 min
A pair of monkeys called Gizmonks take Danny as a Surprise prisoner until Megan turns over the Rainbow of Light to them./The Ponies find a puppy and decide to keep her and build her a doghouse and name her Dinah. When the new puppy is reunited with her family the following Spring, the Ponies are sad to see her go.
S1E100822 min
Dream Valley is full of activity as the Little Ponies train for the Pony Olympics. What the ponies don't know is that three Raptorians are flying overhead in search of magical material to repair Princess Porcina's cloak./The Bushwoolies spy the Raptorians taking Lickety-Split, Gusty, and Heart Throb to the Black Mountains and rush to Paradise Estate to tell the others. Megan takes Magic Star, Paradise, and North Star to rescue them, letting the Bushwoolies lead the way.
S1E100920 min
The Raptorians discover that the captured ponies' hair grows back instantly once cut off. Not only are Lickety-Split, Gusty, and Heart Throb then forced to stay, but they are also ordered to weave Porcina's new cloak themselves./Shady and Molly reveal themselves to their friends; Shady then devises a plan to make a fake cloak out of shed Bushwoolie hair so that they can exchange it for Porcina's cloak and reverse the spell.
S1E101020 min
Baby Heart Throb, Baby Lofty and Baby Half Note want to sing backup for Knight Shade. But to their dismay, he has stolen their shadows, which contain all of their energy and substance.
S1E101121 min
Megan and Molly take Baby Heart Throb, Baby Lofty and Baby Half Note to a concert featuring their favorite singer, Night Shade and his back up singers, the Shadowets./Zeb and Erebus nearly steal everyone's shadow before Molly's.
S1E101220 min