Pet Heroes
Pet Heroes showcases extraordinary stories of animal heroism. In each episode of this documentary series, two incredible stories are told through interviews with pet owners and family members and dramatic re-enactments.
Better Together
A rookie K9 partner helps a park warden nab RV bandits in the Canadian Rockies; an autistic boy forms a unique connection with a feisty pot-bellied pig.
A Friend In Need
A persistent puppy helps an injured Shih Tzu regain his appetite for life; a coonhound becomes the key to survival for a Jack Russell terrier trapped in a swimming pool.
Pay It Forward
A cat with an unusual job plays a key role on an ER veterinary team; a chihuahua comes to the aid of a stranded young beaver in danger.
Silent Threats
A Malamute exposes an underground gas leak that threatens a city neighbourhood; a cat takes action when carbon monoxide invades the home of a sleeping family.
Pet Detectors
A poodle is the lifeline for a woman struck by a debilitating illness; a cat desperately tries to alert his owner to an oncoming diabetic emergency.
The Young And The Rescuers
Two seasoned horses are the last hope for a colt trapped in a bog; a quick-thinking Lab finds a remarkable way to save her puppies from rising floodwaters.
Nose For Trouble
A search and rescue dog travels to Haiti following a devastating earthquake; a border patrol dog makes an alarming discovery.
Horse Sense
A young woman's horse saves her life during an epic cross country journey; a promising young athlete excels with the help of an exceptional horse.
The Underdogs
A friendly 3-legged dog is a cyclist's only hope after a debilitating fall on a remote trail; a disabled dog helps her sleeping owner escape a house fire.
A Mother's Heart
An ornery mare has a soft spot for a hurt and scared young horse; an injured dog struggles to care for her young pups during a harsh prairie winter.
Wild Things
A Springer Spaniel leaps to the aid of a small child when she encounters a rampaging deer; a horse takes action when a young girl gets dangerously close to an angry moose.
A Lasting Legacy
A beloved police dog makes the ultimate sacrifice and his actions have a lasting impact on an entire city.