21st Century Serial Killer
Reality of the life of a victim under siege from a stalker comes to life through stories from around the world.
Jesse Matthew
Jesse Matthew was a taxi driver in Charlottesville who targeted young women at university campuses.
Stephen Port
Stephen Port spent hours searching web porn and he was to take the lives of four much loved young men.
William Howell
William Devin Howell murdered opioid-addicted prostitutes and kept the killings secret for 14 years.
James Fairweather
James Fairweather craved notoriety, he sought it by becoming a serial killer and he learned so on the internet.
Mark Martin
Mark Martin made no secret of the fact that when he grew up he wanted to be a serial killer.
Shawn Grate
Shawn Grate started as a pretty normal kid. Eventually, he became entitled, resulting in violence towards women.
Donna Perry
Donna Perry is a transgender serial killer who blamed her crimes on the man she used to be, Douglas Perry.