Transformers Beast Wars
The alliance between the Transformers leaders ends. Hotshot and the other Transformers attack Unicron once more. Optimus Prime and Galvatron fight to the death
Beast Wars: Part 1
A band of benevolent Maximals track a pack of power-seeking Predacons to a mysterious planet. When they both crash-land, they establish themselves upon the planet and clash, commencing the Beast Wars.
Beast Wars: Part 2
A large mountain containing the precious mineral Energon is discovered. This leads to a race between the Maximals and Predacons that culminates in a brawl between beasts.
The Web
A large mountain containing the precious mineral Energon is discovered. This leads to a race between the Maximals and Predacons that culminates in a brawl between beasts.
Equal Measures
When Cheetor messes up an important mission, he decides to fix it on his own. But when he is lured into Tarantulas's net of deceit and torture, Rattrap is the only one who can save him.
Chain of Command
Optimus Primal is abducted by an otherworldly probe, leaving the Maximals leaderless. Amidst their bickering and squabbling, the Predacons prepare to launch an attack.
Power Surge
Optimus Primal is abducted by an otherwordly probe, leaving the Maximals leaderless. Amidst their bickering and squabbling, the Predacons prepare to launch an attack.
Fallen Comrades
A stasis pod, containing the spark-soul of a robot, lands on Earth. Both Maximals and Predacons race against time to claim the spark as one of their own.
Double Jeopardy
A stasis pod, containing the spark-soul of a robot, lands on Earth. Both Maximals and Predacons race against time to claim the spark as one of their own.
A Better Mousetrap
After being led into a trap and losing a stasis pod to the Predacons, Dinobot accuses Rattrap of working with the Predacons as the Maximal that led them there.
Gorilla Warfare
A personality-modifying virus is planted on Optimus Primal by Scorponok, which turns him into a cowardly, submissive weakling. As a result, the virus malfunctions, and Primal becomes furious.
The Probe
Scorponok plants a personality-modifying virus on Optimus Primal which will render him a cowardly, submissive weakling. But the virus malfunctions, and Primal gets very, very angry.
An explosion at the Predacon base leaves no survivors, and the Maximals assume they have scored a final victory in the Beast Wars. However, Dinobot makes an investigation that changes everything.
Dark Designs
Megatron becomes impressed with the Maximal Rhinox, capturing and reprogramming him into a Predacon. Unfortunately, an evil Rhinox ends up doing more harm than good within the Predacon ranks.
Double Dinobot
Megatron becomes impressed with the Maximal Rhinox, capturing and reprogramming him into a Predacon. Unfortunately, an evil Rhinox ends up doing more harm than good within the Predacon ranks.
The Spark
When a stasis pod falls to Earth, a race ensues between Maximals and Predacons to collect it. But when it is discovered to be damaged, the Maximals attempt to protect and defend it from a Predacon attack.
The Trigger, Part 1
In the aftermath of a Predacon attack, Tigatron comes upon a strange floating island, and settles down on it to lead a peaceful, content life. However, Blackarachnia and Scorponok are not far away.
The Trigger, Part 2
A skirmish occurs between Maximals and Predacons for control of a floating island: the Maximals for its use as a base, the Predacons for its destructive capabilities.
Spider’s Game
Tarantulas and Blackarachnia team up to obtain the newest stasis pod. The pod births Inferno, a deranged Predacon who believes himself to be an ant rather than a robot.
Call Of The Wild
Tarantulas and Blackarachnia team up to obtain the newest stasis pod. The pod births Inferno, a deranged Predacon who believes himself to be an ant rather than a robot.
Dark Voyage
A Predacon attack blinds a Maximal squad and now Rhinox, Rattrap, Cheetor and Dinobot must embark on a voyage through darkness, relying on each other, to make it back to home base.
Waspinator is taken over by the spark of Starscream. The Predacons use his new power and tactical knowledge to take over the Maximal base.
The Low Road
Rhinox is contaminated with an energon depleting virus. Dinobot and Rattrap are forced to put aside their differences to find the counter-virus.
Law Of The Jungle
Rhinox is contaminated with an energon depleting virus. Dinobot and Rattrap are forced to put aside their differences to find the counter-virus.
Before the Storm
The discovery of a new golden disc causes Megatron to declare a truce. The Maximals set out to peacefully discover just what their enemy has found.
Other Voices, Part 1
The discovery of a new golden disc causes Megatron to declare a truce. The Maximals set out to peacefully discover just what their enemy has found.
Other Voices, Part 2
The aliens transform the second moon into a massively powerful weapon.
The transwarp explosion which results in the destruction of the Vok's artificial moon unleashes an Energon wave, the impact of which kills Terrorsaur and Scorponok.
Coming Of The Fuzors, Part 1
The transwarp explosion which results in the destruction of the Vok's artificial moon unleashes an Energon wave, the impact of which kills Terrorsaur and Scorponok.
Coming Of The Fuzors, Part 2
Two stasis pods give birth to a new breed of Transformer: the Fuzors, robots with two animals mixed together in their beast form. Megatron has recruited both for the Predacon cause.
Tangled Web
Blackarachnia, Quickstrike, and Tarantulas are sent to a cave full of energon to build a new fueling station. However, Tarantulas has a different plan for the energon, and he tries to convince the other two Predacons to oppose Megatron.
Maximal, No More
Blackarachnia, Quickstrike, and Tarantulas are sent to a cave full of energon to build a new fueling station. Tarantulas has his own plans for the energon, however, and tries to persuade the other two Predacons to turn against Megatron.
Other Visits, Part 1
Dinobot hands over one of the golden discs to Megatron, betraying the Maximals.
Other Visits, Part 2
Tigatron and Airazor discover a new alien artifact, which abducts them and becomes the new prize for the Predacons.
Bad Spark
The dark secret of the Axalon's original space mission was to dump Protoform X, a Transformer with an indestructible spark. Now Protoform X has awakened, taking a new form.
Code Of Hero
The dark secret of the Axalon's original space mission was to dump Protoform X, a Transformer with an indestructible spark. Now Protoform X has awakened, taking a new form.
When the Predacons proceed to annihilate humanity, Dinobot fights the whole Predacon army to preserve history. However, this battle, while his greatest, proves to be his last battle.
The Agenda, Part 1
A damaged stasis pod reveals a deformed, monstrous robot - dangerous to both Maximal and Predacon. Nevertheless, both Rampage and Silverbolt cultivate a friendship with her. However, the Maximal/Predacon war soon tears the lifeform apart.
The Agenda, Part 2
The Tripredacus Council is hit by the explosion caused by the destruction of the alien device in "Other Voices", and recognize the signal as being from Megatron's ship.
The Agenda, Part 3
Rattrap manages to destroy the Predacon ship, taking Ravage with it. Rampage is damaged due to an automatic missile fire. Meanwhile, Blackarachnia and Silverbolt find what Megatron really came to Earth to find.
Optimal Situation
Rattrap manages to destroy the Predacon ship, taking Ravage with it. Rampage is damaged due to an automatic missile fire. Meanwhile, Blackarachnia and Silverbolt find what Megatron really came to Earth to find.
Deep Metal
The Maximals are sent into a time storm after Megatron attempts to destroy one of their ancestors. But help has come from a very unlikely ally who finds that she's in the same boat as the Maximals.
Changing of the Guard
After failing to set up base defenses, the Maximals attempt to salvage Sentinel from the wreckage of the Axalon.
Cutting Edge
Megatron sends several prototype Transmetal II cyber-raptors to attack the early humans and the Maximals. Depending on who perfects it first, the new technology has great potential in determining the outcome of the war.
Feral Scream, Part 1
Megatron creates a Transmetal II clone of Dinobot, and Cheetor and Depth Charge attempt to interrupt the process; instead, Cheetor is presumed dead after he is exposed to the machine in an explosion.
Feral Scream, Part 2
After returning to base, Cheetor has nightmares and soon transforms into the beast from the previous episode. The other Maximals begin to hunt the creature, unaware that it is Cheetor.
Proving Grounds
After returning to base, Cheetor has nightmares and soon transforms into the beast from the previous episode. The other Maximals begin to hunt the creature, unaware that it is Cheetor.
Go With the Flow
Megatron kidnaps a young proto-human, Una, to finish a giant disruptor ray that targets Cybertronians.
Crossing The Rubicon
Hoping to modify her body, Blackarachnia uses the Transmetal driver on herself…only to end up damaging parts of her programming in the process.
Master Blaster
Hoping to modify her body, Blackarachnia uses the Transmetal driver on herself...only to end up damaging parts of her programming in the process.
Other Victories
Deep within the depths of outer space an unknown enemy exists. Tigertron and Airrazor are in a state of suspended animation and are transformed into a new entity known as Tigerhawk who serves as an emissary of the alien race known as the Vok.
Nemesis, Part 1
Deep within the depths of outer space an unknown enemy exists. Tigertron and Airrazor are in a state of suspended animation and are transformed into a new entity known as Tigerhawk who serves as an emissary of the alien race known as the Vok.
Nemesis, Part 2
The Nemesis has proven to be powerful and dangerous under Megatron, killing both Maximals and Predacons alike.