Transformers: Energon
Years after “Transformers: Armada”, the Autobots continue to battle the Decepticons, but this time they must also prevent the resurrection of Unicron.
Cybertron City
It's been 10 Earth years since the last battle against Unicron involving him and Megatron disappearing into deep space.
Energon Stars
It's been 10 years since Megatron disappeared and the Autobots and Decepticons now work side by side with humans to harvest Energon. But the Autobots face a new threat: attacks by Transformers known as Terrorcons.
After analyzing the Terrorcon threat, the Autobots decide to send away all the civilians living in the energon mining bases.
Megatron's Sword
Scorponok captures Tidal Wave and makes him follow his orders so that they can revive Megatron with energon.
The New Cybertron City
Tidal Wave sees Megatron's sword.
Megatron Resurrected
Super Optimus Prime emerges to find his team searching for energon.
Megatron's Raid
Megatron is alive again and forces Scorponok to serve him, but Scorponok is loyal to only one master Alpha Q.
Starscream The Mysterious Mercenary
Megatron launches his first Energon raid since his resurrection.
Battle of The Asteroid Belt
Alpha Q has revived Starscream, who's mission is to destroy Optimus Prime, so as to regain a new body.
Energon Tower
The Autobots go into the asteroid belt to see what is going on after seeing something on radar, and find parts of Unicron.
The Legend of Rodimus
A new Autobot weapon is revealed that unleashes vast destruction to the Decepticons.
Crisis In Jungle City
Alpha Q prepares to bring Unicron to life, while yet another Energon Tower is secured into place.
Kicker Beware
Alpha Q is not ready to let Earth go without a fight, and sends a group of stealth Terrorcons, named Command Ravage and Blackout.
Energon Grid
Megatron forces Demolishor to divulge the Autobots' secret of finding energon: Kicker.
Rodimus: Friend or Foe
Megatron has taken yet another plan, to create three meteors from Unicron and propel them at Earth before the energon grid has been completed, which he feels will "strike fear in Optimus Prime.
Go For Unicron
While Snow Cat tests his power against the Energon Grid by sending frozen asteroids, Megatron decides to go after Alpha Q instead of Earth after finding a Terrorcon spy.
The Return of Demolisher
Optimus reveals their mission is twofold: they are also going to destroy Unicron, and they prepare to set up a space bridge.
A Tale of Two Heroes
The Autobots face a new threat: for Demolisher is revived in a new Power, who is tougher than ever.
Battle Stations
The autobots continue on their journey and intercept a decepticon warp signal which turns out to be Rodimus's ship. Rodimus asks permission to aboard and Optimus obliges.
Alpha Q: Identity
The autobots continue their planning on taking out Unicron.
Shockblast: Rampage
Unicron's arrival causes the Decepticons on Cybertron to rebel, while Kicker learns the truth about Alpha Q.
Survival Instincts
Shockblast disables Cybertron's energon grid, while Kicker tries to convince the Autobots to listen to Alpha Q.
Each One Fights…
Starved for energon, both Unicron's head and body begin lashing out at their respective captors.
Unicron Unleased
Megatron commands Shockblast to lead an assault on Cybertron to take out the Energon towers, in order to allow Unicron to "feed" on Cybertron.
Open Fire
Megatron uses the Energon to revive Tidal Wave into Mirage.
Ripped Up Space
As the Autobots fought their way to Megatron within Unicron's body and with Megatron throwing everything at them, Alpha Q provides support by fighting for the control of Unicron.
Team Optimus Prime
Limping to join with the rest of the Autobots, Optimus Prime is confronted by Shockblast, who plans to take out Optimus Prime so as to prove that he is more superior than Megatron.
Megatron escapes into a black hole and Optimus Prime decides to give chase, even though he doesn’t know what he will find on the other side. Kicker joins his Autobot friends on their mission and pilots the Miranda II into the black hole.
Imprisoned Inferno
On the other side of the rip, the Autobots must now defend a whole new set of planets, and Wing Saber finally gets the chance to re-capture his prisoner Shockblast.
Jungle Planet
Shockblast has been captured and temporarily imprisoned on Iron Planet. Inferno is left to stand guard over Shockblast while the other Autobots are on Jungle Planet.
Team Bulkhead searches for the Autobots, while Kicker and Ironhide search for Inferno on the Jungle Planet. Inferno, who was previously affected by the Decepticons into embracing the dark side, is saved by Kicker after learning of a Decepticon attack.
Farewell Inferno
The Autobots go to put up an Energon tower on Jungle planet but Megatron isn't going to let that happen without a fight.
Crash Course
Inferno uses his decepticon "half" to bait Megatron. In the end, Inferno sacrifices himself in the sun to defeat the Decepticons.
Omega Supreme
The Autobots have spare time so Rodimus authorizes a race for the Autobots.
A Heroic Battle
Omega Supreme first appearance. Autobots finally find Unicron. Inferno is repaired into Roadblock.
The Power of Unicron
Unicron gets his head back. Alpha Q dies in the process.
Optimus Supreme
The Autobots find a weak spot in Unicron's armor. Meanwhile, some very interesting transformations are taking place on the Decepticon team…
Unicron Perishes
The Ice planet was destroyed by Unicron. All autobots can't save it and almost all of them got wounded from Unicron's attack.
Unicron dies but Megatron survives with Unicron's mind living inside him.
The Decepticons, Megatron, Starscream, and Scorponok attack Cybertron. Optimus Prime and the other Autobots, aboard the Miranda II, travelled to Cybertron to save the planet.
Using Unicron, Megatron has discovered a powerful source of energy: Super Energon. By immersing himself in the liquid, he is transformed into Galvatron, with a new purple armor which makes him impervious to all forms of firepower.
Galvatron has Sixshot start moving Cybertron towards the planet where Alpha Q's "soul" is. The Miranda II gets hit and crashes into Cybertron.
Optimus Prime and the other Autobots try to breakthrough the energon grid and then later have to go under ground
The Omega Train
The Autobots battle, but this time in cyberspace, a virtual training program. While Alpha Q watches from the sidelines, Six Shot hacks into the program and enables the Decepticons to play in the game.
Decepticon Army
The Autobots split up and with the help of other autobot rebels they attempt to find and free Kickers family and Cybertron. Galvatron gets Cybertron through the space bridge.
Ironhide Team
Kicker searches for his family below Cybertron, while Galvatron and a damaged Optimus square off on the planet's surface. Kicker is reunite with his mother and sister.
Kicker's dad sabotages the energon gas grid from within enabling Optimus to get into the Command Center and Rodimus and Prowl waiting around Cybertron to get to the planet. The terrorcons got into the super energon and grow in size.
Galvatron Terror
Primus is still snoozing, Sixshot overloads the grid and causes a huge explosion that takes down most of the autobots, and Cybertron heads for Plains planet and destroys all the planets in its path.
Destructive Power
Sixshot convinces Mirage, Snow Cat, and Demolisher that Starscream will stay Galvatron's favorite if they do not do something about it, but when they head out Sixshot traps them and heads for the Superenergon.
Galvatron is growing and tethered to Cybertron by strands of Superenergon. Kicker and some of the Omnicons cut the strands. Ironhide and Scorponok battle, and Galvatron heads into space, but not towards Alpha Q's planet.
The Sun
Big Galvatron vs Big Optimus Prime. Lots of little battles with all the others too. Kicker gets sappy with Misha before going to destroy Unicron's "puny" remains, but something's not quite right…