Photon the Idiot Adventures
Photon, a young man with a kind heart and superhuman strength, leaves his village on Sandy Planet (a desert world) in search of a runaway friend. During this heroic quest, he is accidentally engaged to a renegade space pilot!
Aun Is An Idiot!
On the Sandy Planet, Photon thought he was just chasing his boy-crazy friend Aun down (again). But after she writes \\"Idiot\\" on his forehead and escapes, Photon finds himself lost. And then, he accidentally gets married.
The New Bride Keyne
Keyne gets to know her new husband, and Aun needs to find a new (prospective) one. When Papacharino shows up, however, things get wild and destructive.
Lashara Leaves Home
Princess Lashara makes her way to the Sandy Planet to be with her true love. Meanwhile, Keyne and Aun compete over Photon.
Pochi's Feelings
The group stops at an onsen, and things get steamy. However, Pochi is disturbed, and must find the truth from Papacharino.
Papacha Turns the Key
After hearing Papacharino's secret, Princess Lashara clings to her love. Meanwhile, Keyne discovers a place on the Sandy Planet may just be something her grandfather left behind.
Photon on the Green Planet
The stage is set for the final showdown over the Furnace, but the final actor has yet to be revealed. The truth behind Keyne's family is revealed, with the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance!