Star Trek: The Original Series
STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES follows the 23rd century adventures of Captain James T. Kirk and the U.S.S. Enterprise, a powerful interstellar spacecraft dispatched by Starfleet to explore the galaxy and seek out new life and civilizations.
The Man Trap
Kirk and his crew are at deadly risk from an alien creature that feeds on the salt in a human body and can take on any form.
Charlie "X"
A powerful teenage boy wreaks havoc aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise.
Where No Man Has Gone Before
Kirk's friend, Gary Mitchell, is transformed into a God-like entity.
The Naked Time
A strange alien substance causes the crew to act out their deepest inhibitions, while the ship plummets out of orbit.
The Enemy Within
A transporter malfunction causes Captain Kirk to split into his "good" and "evil" selves, and a landing party will freeze to death if the crew is unable to find a way to merge the two Kirks back together.
Mudd's Women
The Enterprise picks up a intergalactic conman, Harry Mudd, and three incredibly beautiful women who harbor a dark secret.
What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Nurse Christine Chapel is reunited with her old fiancé on Exo III, but the scientist has plans for Captain Kirk and the Federation.
A strange group of children are discovered on an Earth-like planet.
Dagger Of The Mind
Kirk investigates an experimental facility for holding prisoners and finds a sinister scheme.
The Corbomite Maneuver
Kirk bluffs his way past what appears to be a powerful alien.
The Menagerie, Part 1
Spock hijacks the Enterprise to return an injured Captain Pike to Talos IV.
The Menagerie, Part 2
Spock hijacks the Enterprise to return an injured Captain Pike to Talos IV.
The Conscience Of The King
Kirk is one of the last survivors who can identify a mass killer, who lurks among a Shakespearean troupe aboard the Enterprise.
Balance Of Terror
The Enterprise must decide on its response when a Romulan ship makes a destructively hostile armed probe of Federation territory.
Shore Leave
A U.S.S. Enterprise landing party beams down to an uncharted planet. The planet seems like a perfect candidate for shore leave with its "Earth-type" characteristics.
The Galileo Seven
Spock commands a stranded away team when their shuttlecraft is stranded on a planet with hostile natives.
The Squire Of Gothos
A powerful entity known as Trelane torments the crew of the Enterprise.
The U.S.S. Enterprise is in pursuit of an unknown alien ship which has destroyed a Starfleet base.
Tomorrow Is Yesterday
The U.S.S. Enterprise is thrown into a time warp and ends up orbiting Earth in the 20th century.
Court Martial
Captain Kirk's career is at stake when he is put on trial for the loss of a crewman during an ion storm.
The Return Of The Archons
The Enterprise encounters a seemingly peaceful civilization run by a "benevolent" being named Landru...who intends for them to join his people.
Space Seed
Kirk meets Khan, a notorious dictator, and leader of Earth's Eugenics War.
A Taste Of Armageddon
The Enterprise arrives at a planet to establish diplomatic relations and finds itself in the middle of a "peaceful" war that threatens to destroy the ship.
This Side Of Paradise
The Enterprise visits a colony where indigenous flower spores provide the settlers with peaceful contentment.
The Devil In The Dark
The Enterprise is sent to a mining colony that is being terrorized by a mysterious monster, only to find that the situation is not that simple.
Errand Of Mercy
With a war raging, Kirk and Spock battle Klingons to free Organia.
The Alternative Factor
Kirk and Spock encounter a mysterious alien named Lazarus who claims to be hunting a ruthless maniacal creature.
The City On The Edge Of Forever
Kirk and Spock go back in time to save McCoy from temporary insanity.
Operation Annihilate
Kirk and the U.S.S. Enterprise must combat parasitic aliens.