The Cheetah Diaries
Cheetah Outreach is dedicated to raising awareness about the plight of the cheetah. Part of their campaign for their survival is raising ambassador cats to inform the public of the problems the cheetah faces.
Raising Hope
Emily's future ambassador cubs are put to the test to see if they can handle the responsibility of working with the public. We learn more about how people are using dogs to protect their farm stock without hurting the cheetah population.
Moving On Up
There is some big-move drama as the race against time begins. The team has so much to do! The cubs are moving out to meet some older cheetahs, and Chobi goes in for some dental work.
Parks and Recreation
The boys head off to the Australia Zoo. The servals get some tough love, Chobi recovers from surgery, and the center anxiously awaits a permit to continue construction.
Vaila and Waiy participate in a cheetah walk with the public. Emily gets a boost from a visit with an old friend. Chobi might be falling ill yet again.
Full House
The cubs get their first taste of meat, and after a shocking discovery, one of the cubs is rushed to the vet. To make matters worse, the construction of the new center may be delayed.
Ambassador Joseph is running late to an important meet and greet. The foxes and the meerkats are getting wild. Then, tragedy strikes the servals.
Crazy Like A Fox
One of the young cheetah cubs is rushed to the vet, but on the bright side, the feud between the foxes seems to be coming to an end. Legend, the serval, is struggling down the road to recovery.
Married with Children
While one cheetah recovers from dental surgery, another loses her appetite. Annie visits an old guard dog. One of the foxes is in for happy news. The meerkats get a new home makeover, and Joseph has another spectacular appearance planned.
Emily makes a brand new friend. Joseph continues to teach the public about cheetahs, while Chobi continues to baffle the staff and doctors with medical problems.
The Wonder Years
It's finally moving day for some of the cubs! Mercedes spends a rainy romantic evening with her new boyfriend. Janet finally has her pups before mother nature deals Cheetah Outreach a heavy blow.