Antiques Roadshow
Part adventure, part history lesson, part treasure hunt: ANTIQUES ROADSHOW cameras capture real stories behind family heirlooms, flea market finds, and more as leading specialists travel the country to discover our collective history.
Tulsa, Hour 1
Travel with ROADSHOW to Tulsa, Oklahoma for thrilling finds that include a Mother Teresa-signed note, ca. 1997; a 1961 Yankees team signed baseball; and a 1943 black dial Rolex bubbleback watch. Can you guess the top find of the hour?
Tulsa, Hour 2
Watch terrific Tulsa treasures including an inscribed 1960 Harper Lee 1st edition To Kill a Mockingbird book; a Beatles record player; and a Gibson F-5 "Lloyd Loar" mandolin. Guess which Tulsa treasure is the top find!
Tulsa, Hour 3
Discover outstanding objects in Oklahoma, including a 1960 Gibson Les Paul guitar; a 1936 Olympic torch; and a Chinese bronze guardian figure, ca. 1600. Discover the top $70,000 to $100,000 appraisal!
Eugene, Hour 1
Discover hidden treasures in Eugene, OR that include a Louis Vuitton steamer trunk, ca. 1915, a signed Ty Cobb archive, ca. 1952, and a 1919 Rockwell The Little Model oil painting. Can you guess which appraisal is the top $500,000 find?
Eugene, Hour 2
Discoveries abound in Eugene, OR including a 1950 Martin D-28 guitar, a girls pro baseball league collection, ca. 1950, and a jeweled Caucasian presentation sword. One is $75,000 to $100,000!
Eugene, Hour 3
ROADSHOW journeys to Eugene, OR for treasures including Oakland Athletics game-used bats, a standardization manuscript for The Star Spangled Banner, and a Giulio Nardi jeweled gold moretto. Which ROADSHOW find is $40,000 to $60,000?
Pittsburgh, Hour 1
Tune in for intriguing Pittsburgh, PA finds, including Mexican War & Civil War uniforms, a 1952 Gibson ES-295 electric guitar, and Cole Porter & Monty Woolley letters, ca. 1940. Guess the top $30,000 to $50,000 treasure!
Pittsburgh, Hour 2
Travel to Pittsburgh, PA for ROADSHOW discoveries, like a fancy yellow diamond & platinum ring, a Marklin Gauge 1 toy train, ca. 1900, and a Charles Darwin first edition collection. One is valued at $143,000 to $284,000!
Pittsburgh, Hour 3
Join ROADSHOW in Pittsburgh, PA for finds such as Kennedy family correspondence, ca. 1960, a pendant & Tiffany diamond necklace, ca. 1920, and a 1946 Rockwell Ken Land of Peace oil. One is $150,000 to $250,000!
El Paso, Hour 1
Head to El Paso for Texas-size treasures including a Regina Model 35 music box, ca. 1900, a 1966 Andy Warhol Jackie II artist's proof, and a signed 1st ed. The Hobbit with dust jacket. One appraisal is valued at $80,000 to $120,000!
El Paso, Hour 2
Visit El Paso, Texas for captivating appraisals, including a signed Andy Warhol collection, a 1958 signed Baltimore Colts football, and a Lotto Oushak rug, ca. 1570. Guess the top $30,000 to $40,000 find!
El Paso, Hour 3
ROADSHOW discovers treasures in El Paso, Texas, like a French Bru Jeune doll, size 1, ca. 1895, a Charles Edwin Ruttan oil, ca. 1920, and a marquise-cut diamond and platinum ring. Can you guess the $40,0000 to $60,000 item?
Atlanta, Hour 1
Explore Atlanta with ROADSHOW as we find hidden treasures like a 1907 Brooklyn baseball team photo, a 1787 Benjamin Franklin signed land grant, and a Tiffany and Company necklace, ca. 1875. Can you guess the top $40,000 to $50,000 item?
Atlanta, Hour 2
Learn more about fantastic Atlanta finds that include 1963 Beatles autographs, a Steiff Mickey Mouse, ca. 1935, and a Mary Elizabeth oil, ca. 1930. One find is $40,000 to $60,000!
Atlanta, Hour 3
Visit Georgia's capital for astounding Atlanta appraisals, including a Beatles Parlophone poster, ca. 1962, a World War II PT sweetheart pin, and a McElroy confederate sword and scabbard. One is worth $50,000!
Minneapolis, Hour 1
Watch magnificent treasures from Minneapolis including a Tiffany Studios chainmail fixture, ca. 1905, a 1900 McKinley-Roosevelt campaign poster, and a 1976 fancy intense yellow diamond ring. One is appraised for $140,000 to $160,000!
Minneapolis, Hour 2
Mesmerizing Minnesota treasures shine in Minneapolis, such as a 1956 Elvis Love Me Tender standee, a signed Betty Crocker cookbook, and a Franz Roubaud oil painting, ca. 1885. Guess which treasures is $100,000!
Minneapolis, Hour 3
ROADSHOW stops in Minneapolis in search of marvelous finds, including an 1863 Ulysses S. Grant letter, a cartonnier bureau plat movie prop, and Higgins & Spencer paintings. Can you guess the top $75,100 to $75,200 find of the hour?
Cats and Dogs
ROADSHOW's "Cats & Dogs" special features your favorite feline and canine appraisals including an Austrian "Naughty" cat bronze, a reproduction Colima ceramic dog, and a William Zorach cat carving, ca. 1930. One is $35,000 to $45,000!
Greatest Gifts
View treasures that ROADSHOW guests received as presents in this "Greatest Gifts" special including a signed Beatles program, ca. 1963, a Ruth, Mantle & Maris-signed baseball, and a 1937 Clyfford Still oil painting. Guess the $500,000 find!
Junk in the Trunk 2
ANTIQUES ROADSHOW shares never-before-seen appraisals from our Season 16 tour, such as a Mark Twain inscribed The Innocents Abroad, Dr. Seuss inscribed books, and a Gustave Baumann woodcuts, ca. 1920. Can you guess the top find?
Vintage Phoenix
Are Phoenix finds heating up in the market since they were first appraised in 1997? Guess which appraisal is now $175,000, among a George III silver pitcher, a 1920 Newcomb College vase, and a Tiffany Studios fish lamp!
Vintage Secaucus
Which of these Secaucus appraisal's values floated upstream since 1997? A Hemingway manuscript & letter, a gold nugget bracelet, ca. 1885, or a Seymour card table? One is now worth $400,000 to $600,000!
Vintage Houston
Did these Houston treasure's values go up or down since ROADSHOW appraised them in 1998? Find out if Buffalo Bill photographs, a 1912 Titanic luncheon menu, or a 19th C. Chinese scepter have increased in value to $50,000 to $80,000!
Vintage Atlanta
Travel back to 1997 for Atlanta treasures that include a 1732 Ben Franklin printed book, an 18th C. child's high chair, and an 1841 Abraham Lincoln letter. Can you guess which find is now up to $60,000 to $80,000?
Vintage San Francisco
See stunning San Francisco treasures and see how they've fared since 1997, including Steiff bears, a 1919 Maynard Dixon painting, and a Jardin de la Malmaison book. One has increased to $85,000 to $135,000!
Vintage Pittsburgh
Check out updated Pittsburgh appraisals from 1997, including a Honus Wagner tintype, ca. 1890, a gold, diamond and ruby bracelet, and a Pennsylvania-German box. Guess the top $30,000 to $40,000 find!