This comedy series follows the hilarious events of the Morgan family's annual holiday in real time over a four-hour period. Starring Amy Sedaris, Chris Elliott and Bridey Elliott.
Touch Football
Olive arrives during the family's annual touch football game against their hated neighbors.
Asthma Attack
The Morgans return home to clean up after the game. Michael introduces everyone to his new girlfriend.
Lost Remote
Don begins the search for the remote control Kathy hides each year. Olive falls in love with a con artist.
Beer Run
It is only 2:30 pm when the Morgan siblings realize they have already consumed all the beer.
Kathy re-hides the remote, forcing the family to actually talk. A drunken political argument breaks out.
Yard Fight
After their beer-fueled game of charades, the family breaks apart into groups where the gossip flows freely.
The dispute with the Tuniclifs is barely settled when Chad's ex-wife Monica arrives.
The tension and family secrets that have been building for the last 3.5 hours explode into chaos at dinner.