Natural Born Rebels
From a promiscuous prairie dog to a kleptomaniac crab and an alpha chimpanzee who reigns with an iron fist, this three-part miniseries explores the most rebellious animals in the natural world.
Mating Game
Getting ahead in the mating game requires some astonishing behavior from promiscuous prairie dogs, to backstabbing manakins, kidnapping macaques, and hyenas with a bad case of sibling rivalry.
Hunger Wars
The complex science behind the behavior of animals that rebel, including and alpha chimpanzee, a manipulative crab and a dolphin with a pufferfish drug problem.
Some animals will do whatever it takes to survive. Cockatoos turn to vandalism, boxer crabs hold anemones hostage, sloths become filthy, puff adders have an 'invisibility cloak' to hide themselves, and chimps use violence to stay in power.