Acapulco Shore
Eight crazy people invade Acapulco to live a summer full of stories, parties, debauchery and madness. Similar in age, obsession with physical care, uncontrolled partying and with a sexuality comparable to that of few mammals.
Let the vacation begin
The Shore gang is ready for vacation. This time, the most dysfunctional family on TV is back in Acapulco, the birthplace of the crew. Parties, drama, romance, and heartbreak will break out in this beautiful port.
An eternal party
The party continues and the Captain stirs up trouble in the house. The tension between Isa and Fernanda boils over and takes an unexpected turn. Nacha joins in and Isa's reaction surprises everyone in the house.
A night of passion
The Boss makes his first appearance in the house and gives them a surprise. The Shore gang finds out there is a club in the house. Couples are formed and things start to heat up. The relationship between Alba and Fer grows stronger while Nacha confronts Jacky and calls her a hypocrite.
Women on fire
The Captain returns to the house for the vacation. During a catamaran trip, Alba and Chile get into a serious argument. Fernanda's night of passion is ruined and Nacha is about to go off on Jacky.
Let the drama begin
Jaylín opens up and shares her tough life story with the gang. In the house, Jacky gets closer to Fernanda but keeps bothering the rest of the crew. The group decides to go to a beach club to release tension, but problems seem to follow them and peace doesn´t last long: Jaylín and the Captain have a heated argument in front of everybody and the situation between Nacha and Jacky goes out of control. Vacation is getting as wild as ever.
Team Tendo in crisis
The Shore gang is still at the beach. Karime admits she likes Diego, but she thinks Nacha likes him too. On their way home, many things happen: Dance battles, heated arguments, and tears. The gang is rowdy. Crisis breaks out in Team Tendo. The Boss visits the house and is officially introduced to the group. A new roomie joins the vacation just in time for Matryoshka's fifteenth birthday party. Everybody gets ready for a crazy celebration.
Karime's 15th Party
Team Tendo thinks Karime is reaching 15 years of artistic career, so the Shore gang decides to celebrate it their way: Drinking, kissing, arguing, and dancing the waltz with the birthday girl. It's the pinnacle of fun and things just seem to get better and better, but when they decide to start their way back and take the party home, a heated argument goes too far and one of the roomies must leave. Tension brews in the group. Acapulco is getting really messy.
The house is on fire
After Captain is kicked out and the women get into a heated fight, the Shore gang vows to get Acapulco out of control like never before. A new guest surprises everybody in the house, cooling things off a little, but not for long. With alcohol, trouble brews and the quietest person has enough of it and loses patience, which escalates into a heated argument and levels up the tension in the house.
Pride Shore
After Ramiro's violent reaction, the group tries to solve the problem with a Shore-like trial. Matryoshka plans to honor her friends and organizes an inclusive picnic where they open up. With mood at an all-time high, the Shore gang takes part in a parade through beautiful Acapulco and nobody wants the fun to end. They take chaos to the house for Isa´s initiation party.
Beni´s welcome and farewell
A special guest hits the wildest house in Acapulco looking for revenge and promises to heat things up. The welcome party involves a lot of fun, live music, drinks, and things getting out of control, as usual. But don't expect it to be all peaches and cream. Alba and Diego fight over Nacha while Fernanda and Ramiro get too close and Karime does her worst. In the end, two housemates leave.
A Brazilian party
Acapulco never sleeps and surprises never end. Matheus joins the gang and changes the dynamics in the house. Women are crazy about the new housemate and will fight to win him over by setting free all their charms. Men will also be busy as Nacha returns to the house and she is bringing company. She comes back with a friend who will give food for thought. The Shore gang finds a new reason to drink and Acapulco turns into a wild party again.
The Trial
Matheus and Charlotte cheer things up in the port of Acapulco. The Boss surprises the gang with a live recital by Justin Quiles and things burst into a party. Nacha has a crush on Matheus and Diego is boiling with jealousy. Al hell breaks loose after a heated argument between two girls and things escalate into another trial and threaten to reach the point of no return.
The Expulsion
Matheus and Charlotte cheer things up in the port of Acapulco. The Boss surprises the gang with a live recital by Justin Quiles and things burst into a party. Nacha has a crush on Matheus and Diego is boiling with jealousy. Al hell breaks loose after a heated argument between two girls and things escalate into another trial and threaten to reach the point of no return.
Special guests
Jacky is kicked out of the house. Fernanda supports her and they leave the house together. Charlotte wants to raise awareness and tries to teach the gang rules of good behavior. Chile and Isa agree to an open relationship, but Diana is afraid of further retaliation. The Boss sets up a farewell lunch and surprises them with a special guest. The gang spends the afternoon drinking around a bonfire on the beach. Everybody is having fun, but Diego gets drunk and his nasty behavior annoys his friends.
Special guests
Vacation is coming to an end, but it doesn´t mean the fun is waning. After many tequila shots, Diego loses his temper and crosses the line. Everybody is sick of his behavior and confront him. Things lead to crying, jealousy, and punishment, so the Boss decides to surprise them. He wants to go all out for the Shore gang farewell party. They will spend an afternoon drinking champagne on his yacht, two ex-housemates will