United Shades Of America
W. Kamau Bell explores the challenges of different communities in the US.
The Border
Kamau learns what life is like for those who live at the US-Mexico border.
Sikhs in America
Kamau unravels the stereotypes about a misunderstood religion: Sikhism.
The South Carolina Gullah
Kamau visits the coast of South Carolina to meet the Gullah Geechee people.
The Disability Community
People with disabilities discuss healthcare and how media portrays them.
Kamau heads to HBCUs to examine why these schools are important.
Sweet Home (Mobile) Alabama
Kamau heads down south to retrace his family roots and debunk some myths.
The Canadian Way
Kamau takes a trip to Canada to see if it is truly a multicultural utopia.
Native Hawaii
Kamau talks with natives to experience Hawaii's past, present and future.